please fight for us

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we're not done yet
don't you get that?

we still have
to run around the neighborhood
at midnight
we still have yet to dance in the sunlight
as the sunrises
just so everything can feel alright

we still have to post our love letters
on the walls
like our memory of forever

we still have to make each other dinner
every day
and have no reason for a pillow fight

you're not done fighting for us
i'm not done yet

so fight for

the future where we get to tell stories
to our grandkids

all the missed
arguments over the tv remote

the cuddles near the fire place
the new years kiss we were meant to have
the birthdays and anniversaries

we still have so much to do
we're not done yet

we haven't had time to cry over
sappy movies
and continuous talks all night

i still haven't told you all my favorite meals
you still haven't told me the reasons
on your loneliness

we still haven't
said our vows

like the promises we used to have
with two pinkies and our hearts

we still haven't finished this yet

so please fight for us
like the characters from your action movies
like the lovers from all of my stories

please love me
and i will give you my love
in a tenfold

i will do everything we've been wishing to do
i will never stop loving you

so please fight
for us.

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