my pretty trauma

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you liked to talk about my trauma
like it was your newly renovated house

talked about the moments
i told you
that i felt i was being watched

like they were kitchen knives
on your marvelous counter

you dressed it prettily
when i asked you to cover up

close the curtains

as if
it were a lesson to myself
to protect you

you took the things i saw
in stride and pride
and told all your friends about it
only to find

that i was running out of
breath on the floor
like a fish out of water

you took my scars
turned it into
battle stories

took my battle wounds
covered it in your favorite flowers

took my ripped out heart
and used it as your trophy

showed the bleeding organ
as proof that somebody cared

but then once it got too bloody
you left it in the trash

let it soak
in its own blood

ignoring the person
who wanted their heart back
their story back

you took my trauma
as your play toy
and threw it away
once you got bored

and i think
that's the reason
i wear my wounds proudly

because maybe
you'd care enough
to use me as your trophy again.

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