remedies of completion

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sometimes you're a flashback
you're an unwelcome memory
that seems to reach out
and grasp at the inner corners
of my mind

forcing yourself to be remembered

and just like all of me
you have
to have your

you have
to have the spotlight
shine on you

their eyes on you
whispering lips
giving me tips
on how to speak

without offending anyone

you play back
like a moving picture
i wonder if the camera
had gotten to the part
where the tree had grown
its leaves again

sometimes you come
when i'm restless
and alone
thoughts left to keep me company

you know
all i want is some company

as i bloom into
another season
left to be ready for the changes

left to be shaking
in the temperatures

cause last december
i only had my skeleton
of branches and roots

to keep me standing

and you live through me
like a live action
a musical

a play by play
on how i've filled out
my own shoes

haunting me
because that's the only
thing you know how to do

the only thing
you could ever learn
is asking people to look

look for you
look at you

to ask you
to look at yourself

the only thing
you've observed

is how you've mixed
the feelings of
being afraid
or excited

to learn anything
more than that

so you live through
your memories

trying to relapse
trying to pinpoint
how it went down
like a murder mystery

asking questions like
who? what? when?

because the only way
you'd feel
like a fully grown sapling

is if you could
find if it's in the soil
if it's in the rain
if it's in the water

so you can find
all the remedies
for completion

so you can be
ready to learn

that you are
more than what you're
beginning to be.

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