metaphorical fires

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i am trying
to find the right metaphors
in a sea of fire
where i am

burning at stake
by my own hands

i am trying
to explain
the unexplainable

because lately
i have been stuck
in a burning house

drowning in smoke
in charcoal

my hands are black
with tar
that i had spit from
the fire place

that has been
burning in my chest
since last christmas

and these hands
that are stained with tar

dig and dig
for answers

dig and dig
for the right words to say

i am looking for
a metaphor
to explain

to ask of you

how to get out
of a fire
that you have started

to ask of you
how to rid of
the blistering sensations

that leave me
bed ridden

i am looking
for the metaphor
to describe

the fire that i
had let
engulf me.

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