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i have a favorite person
they're tall
and weird

they eat with their mouth open
and it's disgusting
it's a weird type of ASMR
you don't want to hear

they have a loud sneeze
that sounds like a bomb
popping and scary

or a gun
you can't tell the difference
with either

but it still makes you jump
out of your seat

like i said
they're weird

my favorite person
doesn't wear a cloak
but stupid tights dressed with
board shorts

and sweaty gloves
with a stinky towel

sometimes they forget
to put down the toilet seat

or they make me
make them a cup of coffee
every time i wake up

no matter what TIME
i wake up

it's horrible

sometimes it's mind boggling
on why they are my favorite person

you must know
they are a chatter box

constantly speaking
about many things

from their favorite show
the type of ingredients
in our food

my favorite person
is really annoying

but they are also strong

they're a lot of things
i want to be

they hold buildings up
like dumb bars

and they come
with security cameras
that are super
high definition
and pretty gates
with great designs

they are strong

my favorite person
is kind

they hand
hot chocolates out
with smiles
that are more sugary
than anything
you've ever seen before

they come
with hellos
and good mornings
and annoying puns
and jokes

my favorite person
can describe to you
all the different ways
a person can be smart

and uses
their judgement
on anything
but book covers

my favorite person
has the maturity of a turtle
but the speed of a rabbit

my favorite person
is like Iroh from

is like Shiro
from Voltron

is like Yoda
from Star Wars

my favorite person
is the best supporting
character in my story

but is also the best
main character
in their stories

my favorite person is

i wish you could meet them

because they might also be
your favorite person too.

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