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A small girl and her mother have been traveling to Korea since the war ended. The girl's father, who was a past war hero, unfortunately was killed fighting for Nailand and now that their land has been taken by Koreans, they have no home to return to. Both covered their hair with black dye hoping to blend in with the Koreans.

"Mom, where are we going?" The little girl asked, while holding her mother's hand. She complained about the black dye before their adventure, but her mother never explained anything to her. So, she assumed it was "adult" stuff she was not supposed to know about.

It was a hot afternoon and both of them were tired, hungry and dehydrated. The mother felt helpless because she had no idea what to do. They have not seen mankind in a week and their supplies ran out a few days ago.

The older woman prayed they were not lost, "We are going to our new home." She showed a strong but tired smile.

As a young child, she had a lot of questions to ask, "But, I liked our old home. And where is father? Why is he not with us?" The little girl was worried because she has not seen her father in a long time. Also, her legs were so exhausted it felt like they were going to give out every step she took.

The woman was not able to answer her questions properly, but instead, came up with a quick answer, "I know, but this new place will give us a better life and your father will meet us there." She lied, cooly. The mother did not have the heart to tell her daughter the truth. The truth was most Nais in the war died with massive amounts of homes destroyed. Her daughter was only eight years old and she wanted to protect her from the reality of life and war.

For what felt like hours, the two figures found a lone house on a farm that seemed deserted. The older woman picked her daughter up, holding her close to her chest. She walked towards the front door and knocked. After a few seconds, the door creaked open and the house was dark inside.

"Hello?" The woman said aloud once as she quietly walked inside. The only thing she could hear in the room was her own breathing in parallel with her daughter.

It seemed like the house was abandoned and the elder sighed in relief. Although they were hidden with black hair, she was afraid of being spotted by Koreans.

Still holding her small daughter, the woman strolled into a kitchen. The light shined through the window where she saw food and water: the two things they were in dire need of.

The woman put the girl down on her feet and picked up a container on the floor that was filled with water. She brought the water to her lips, not noticing her hands were shaking, and started to drink from it, ignoring the burning sensation in her throat. It was like the dry cracks in her throat were being replenished with God's greatest creation.

Meanwhile, the little girl looked around the room. She assumed this was her new home her mother was talking about. Then, all of a sudden, she heard a knock on the door.

Maybe it is father. The little girl thought to herself.

The girl ran towards the door with a wide smile on her face, "Dad!"

Her mother snapped her head towards the direction of the door, screaming, "Lisa, no!"

However, her mother was too late. Lisa opened the door, believing it was her father, but instead she stared at two strange men. One man had an eyepatch on one eye and a scar on the other. And, the second man was short with long black hair.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" The man with an eyepatch spoke. He had a sinister smile that made Lisa shiver in fear.

Her legs gave out, but her mother's arms suddenly grabbed her and pulled her backwards before she fell over. Her mother placed Lisa behind her legs, guarding her from the strangers in front of them.

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