Chapter 5

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Authors' Note: Lisa (and Jungkook) is lowkey naive but cute in this chapter.

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The pub is filled with laughter and happily, drunk conversations, but every single person in this room has a secret. The blonde has a few secrets of her own. Being a Nai is a huge problem, but there is another secret no one knows. Not even Jisoo, who is truly like a sister to her, does not know of her plans. Secrets are meant to be undisclosed and Lisa will do anything to keep it confidential.

Lisa fanned herself with her right hand, feeling hot so she decided to go outside to get some fresh air. There was a shot of soju on the counter, calling her name. Lisa picked up the shot glass and held it in the air, whispering, "To, mom and dad."

On the other side of the pub, Jungkook was sitting by himself with an amused look on his face because BamBam and Bobby were messing with Taehyung. He was very drunk before but now he is at a good level where he can think clearly. Taehyung, on the other hand, was obliterated and it was funny to see him let loose. The highlight of the night was when he danced on the table, shirtless with a broomstick. The prince was never going to let him live that moment down. Ever.

Jungkook eyed his surroundings and noticed a drunk Lisa stumbling towards the exit. She was walking out alone and he was genuinely concerned because he did not want anything bad to happen to her. Instead of leaving her alone, he decided to sneak out of the pub and follow her.

When he walked out of the pub, the fresh, cool air hit his skin, which helped him wake a bit more, so his buzz could die down. Placing his hand sideways, over his eyes, he searched for Lisa, but could not see her at all. Internally, he begun to panic because she could have ran off or worst, be taken by some strange man. The King knew she was a strong woman, especially after today, but he could not help to feel worried. People around started to notice his presence because he was murmuring to himself out loud. He pulled his hood down to hide his face even more and went to see if she was behind the building.

There he saw her body spread out, laying in a field of grass. Jungkook smacked his face and chuckled in relief because he finally found her. He crouched down to sit on his knees, hovered over her and analyzed the details of her face. It was so interesting how different humans look from one another. Everyone has a distinct look about them and Lisa was definitely one of those people. He gazed at her long eyelashes, bangs that covered her milky skin and finally her thick-plump pink lips that made his throat feel dry just looking at them. All his life, he never really paid attention to any girls, but something about her was alluring.

Then, like a horror movie, her eyes shot open and asked, "What are you doing?"

This startled Jungkook, his hands flew in the air as he fell backwards and landed on his butt. He groaned in pain and sat up to meet her eyes staring right at him. Scratching his neck in embarrassment, he could feel his ears getting red.

Her piercing gaze was making him super nervous. It was hard to make eye contact with her, so instead he looked up at the sky to distract himself. The silence was awkward, he coughed and finally spoke, "Why are you outside alone?"

"I just needed a breather," Lisa crossed her legs together and rubbed her eyelids. She was still intoxicated so things seemed a bit fuzzy.

He leaned back with his hands holding his weight on the ground, "How is your breather going?"

She giggled, "You know, you ask a lot of questions."

Jungkook turned to see her smiling at him and he could not help but to smile back. Something about her smiling made him feel good inside. He turned his body towards hers and winked, "Maybe I just want to get to know you."

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