Chapter 3

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Authors' Note: This story recently hit over 100 reads, so thank you! This chapter might a little long, but it is an early update.
Thanks again!!

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"I said stop moving!" Jisoo said as she smacked Lisa's shoulder in frustration. She was dyeing Lisa's blonde hair before they left for the market. Every time they went out, Lisa had to cover her blonde hair due to the prejudices Korea had against Nais.

"Yah, it hurts!" Lisa exclaimed with her eyes closed because of the pain she was feeling. The blonde had so many knots in her hair that it was hard for Jisoo to avoid them. She did not mind helping Lisa, but the girl was a brat. Every time she dyed her hair, Lisa always had something to complain about.

Jisoo gasped and clapped her hands together because she thought of a great idea, "Lets shave your head."

Lisa slowly turned her head towards the older girl with a death glare as she gritted her teeth, "Are you crazy? I will look even more suspicious."

Jisoo held her hands up, acting innocent, "It was just a suggestion." Then, she continued doing her hair, "I am just tired of hearing you moan and groan about the pain."

Lisa huffed and instantly felt guilty. The blonde was the one who imposed on Jisoo and her father, not the other way around. If they got caught, they were all dead, so she was super grateful for their help.

The blonde was never the one to express her emotions, but she wanted Jisoo to understand her feelings, "Thank you..." She muttered as she lowered her head in embarrassment trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

Jisoo frowned hearing her words and finished the last touches of blonde patches with the black dye. The older girl crouched down in front of Lisa, making the girl face her, "No, thank you for being the younger sister I've never had."

Lisa smiled then chuckled at her friend, "That was so sappy."

She stood up from her position and walked out of the room, "You are lucky it is your birthday, brat."

A few minutes later

Hanseop was known for its huge market. A lot of merchants and traders reside in the city to sell supplies. It was the biggest jurisdiction where import and export goods were used for international trade.

Lisa and Jisoo headed towards the market to pick up things they needed. However, Lisa wanted to be in her bed, especially on her birthday, but she had no other choice. It was either run errands with Jisoo or get murdered by the devil on her 18th birthday. Lisa made a difficult choice and chose to run errands, even though she hated going into the city more than anything else.

"It stinks," She complained while holding her nose. The smell of fish and other meat mixed together in one environment was making her sick. Not only that, but she still had a headache from drinking last night.

Jisoo ignored the girl and continued to walk towards their destination. People in the town looked at her with adoring but frightened eyes because she was known as the beautiful devil. She did not mind the nickname because it fit her personality. Jisoo is a stunning woman who befriends everyone she meets but when someone disrespects her or anyone she cares about then her crazy side comes out. Hence the nickname.

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