Chapter 8

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A/N: There is a scene where its kind of graphic/mature (?) so I wanted to put an emoji before it in case anyone wants to skip over. Overall, this book is getting harder to write so this chapter seems so bad. Sorry if it sucked:(

☾ ✩ ☽

The crowd in Hanseop was getting antsy and wondering why Magistrate Mark made an announcement about someone who committed fraud and treason so early in the morning.

Mark eyed his henchmen and smirked in amusement knowing their discovery will shock everyone. His men found a Nai who was secretly hiding amongst Koreans and he could not be more happier because the person who dislocated Jaebum's knee will finally come out of hiding.

Late last night, Jinyoung and Jackson were scoping the woods for the masked woman, when they saw a strange man bathing himself in the river. He was singing in a language they could not understand and when they got close, blonde hair emerged. Both men captured BamBam and brought him to Mark who decided to use him as a trap so he can apprehend the mysterious woman.

"Today, I have brought you all out here because someone committed a terrible crime," Mark yelled to the crowd. Everyone looked around, murmuring and wondered if it was one of them.

He cleared his throat and everyone immediately stopped speaking. Majority of the town was afraid of the Magistrate because he was corrupted and was willing to kill anyone who stood in his way.

Jackson dragged the Nai out and the crowd gasped. BamBam was chained by his hands and feet with a black cloth covering his head. He tripped and skid his knee on the ground and begun to bleed, but Jackson roughly pulled him up.

"This is the man who committed treason and fraud," Mark stood up from his chair and pointed at the unknown man. He acted like this was a circus by dramatizing his words and reactions because he was the ringmaster and BamBam was his performer.

BamBam was sweating underneath the cloth and hyperventilating because he was scared and could barely breathe. One moment he was having fun with his friends and the next, he is potentially being killed in front of thousands because he is not Korean.

Mark pulled off the cloth and loudly exclaimed, "This man is a Nai!"

BamBam's mouth was tied with string and he leered the crowd with his red eyes. His eyes screamed for help, but he knew there was no saving him.

There was a mix of emotions in the crowd because some people hated Nai's but others believed this was an inhumane act of justice.

Jackson dragged the Nai towards a wooden bench and placed his head on the platform. There were so many thoughts running through BamBam's head and he prayed for a miracle. He did not want to die. He was too young to die. The lanky man fought and tugged away from the henchman, but Jackson punched him in the gut and slammed his head on the wood, leaving him breathless.

Tears escaped his eyes because of the pain he was feeling internally and externally. Jinyoung was walking in slow motion and BamBam watched him strolling with a sword to behead him. He struggled against Jackson's strong hold and pleaded for him to not kill him.


"By the order of the King—"

Suddenly, a small knife was thrown at Jackson, hitting his upper torso. Screams were heard in the crowd and many ran away, not knowing what was going on. He groaned in pain and held onto his wound, pulling out the knife slowly.

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