Chapter 16

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The figure intently swung their knife towards Jungkook's throat. It was like everything was moving in slow motion. He could see the sharp blade slowly reaching his neck, almost teasing him with the idea of death. Again, the smell of lavender distracted him from accomplishing his task at hand.

But he had to survive.

No way in hell he was going to be murdered by an assassin, especially if it was sent by those who hate him. He would not give them that satisfaction.

In a split second, before the knife cut his throat, he gripped their wrist. Jungkook heard the person grunt softly, then he forced tight pressure, making them drop the object.

The person dressed in all black took many steps back, distancing themselves away from Jungkook and pulled out another knife from behind their back. The room was pitch black — except for the middle of the room where the moon was shining down reflecting off the wood — so it was difficult to see exactly where they were, but the King has trained with Taehyung for situations just like this.

As the King of Korea he was always wary of people around him. Having this amount of power was exhilarating but dangerous — many would kill him or others just to gain his position.

"Who sent you?" Jungkook asked, demanding an answer.

The room was silent. They did not speak, leaving the King to be frustrated.

"Answer me!" He yelled, stomping his foot on the wooden floor. "Was it Vice-Premier Park?"

Frustration was eating him up. Every day, he had to worry about his life because of this old man. Jungkook knew something was fishy about his sudden outbursts during meetings, but to send someone to kill him was absurd.

Was he not man enough to do it himself?

Fast as lightning, the figure disappeared from their position, but Jungkook could still feel them in the room. His eyes scanned the dark room, trying to hear any creaks or feel any movement near him. Anything to anticipate their next move.

His eyes looked above him, and the figure jumped towards him with their knife, but Jungkook fled from his spot. The figure did not give him time to recover, trying to pierce his skin with the blade. Their intent was forceful — to kill the King.

Every movement they made was quick and sharp. Like they have been training for a long time. However, Jungkook countered their movements, even in the dark. The darkness of the room camouflaged with their outfit, but he was able to block or avoid every punch and swing with their knife.

Suddenly, pain was inflicted on his jaw, making him realize he was just punched by the person. Now, their blade was coming towards his face but he blocked it then pushed them back into the light.

Although they were covered in black, Jungkook noticed how petite the person looked — almost woman like.

"I do my own dirty work," the person finally spoke in a calm voice. "And you sir are unfit to be King."

So, she is a woman... Jungkook thought to himself.

"If no one sent you, then what have I done to earn your service today?" He asked, trying to distract the woman from noticing him grab his sword next to the chair.

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