Chapter 10

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Lisa was breathing heavily. Clutching her chest to catch her breath while hiding behind a tree. The sound of a stick snapping in the distance made her head spin and panic internally. She could hear two men speaking, making her feel anxious because she was not in the right state of mind or physical appearance.

She has been coming to the river for years because its blocked off by a tall, stone wall with a 'Keep Out,' sign. Not only that, but there are a lot of rumors about this place. Stories and tales about a woman with blonde hair who lures men, and even women by promising to grant their inner desires. In the end, she drowns them, steals their souls and leaves their bodies at the bottom of the river.

However, the woman they are all thinking of is none other than — Lisa. Last time a person saw her here, they passed out, believing she was going to kill them. Most believe she is a demon from Nailand who haunts Koreans for their misfortune, but in reality she comes here for bathing and alone time.

After a few minutes, Lisa could hear them walking away from the area. She hung her head down and sighed in relief, releasing her grip on a sharp object she was holding. The thought of killing someone else today made her sick to her stomach. She swallowed the sickness down before it rose up and closed her eyes tight, groaning in pain.

The wind blew against her naked body making goosebumps rise from her feet to her head. Mentally, she was exhausted. No, maybe exhausted was not the best word to describe how she was feeling. To be honest, she was drained like her soul was being sucked out from her body. It felt like her thoughts were in shambles trying to come up with different plans to save her best friend. What puzzled her was how sensitive the woman she met earlier was towards BamBam. Lisa tried to remember her name. Kim... Ah that's right, Jennie Kim.

Then, a light bulb shifted gears in her brain making her recollect something important. Jennie is from the same place the strange man is from.

Should I go find BamBam there?
If I do, will I see Jungkyu again?

Lisa had so many questions. For starters, why did he kiss her? Also, why did he help her yesterday? When it came to Nai's no one would bat at eye. But people like Jungkyu and Jennie were too good to be true.

Gwangju citizens sure are weird...

She shook her head and ran her hand through her hair to get the knots out. As she walked to her secret bin, filled with clothes and black dye she usually hides under the bushes, Lisa started to think about the attitude Jennie displayed towards Magistrate Mark. Once she announced her name, he looked frightened like he saw a ghost. Was she someone important? She had to be, especially if Mark bowed down to her.

"What should I do?" Lisa whispered to herself as she put her clothes on. It took her a while, but she smeared the black dye to cover her blonde hair. God, what a curse. To have to do this everyday to live a quiet life in Korea was mind-blowing to her.

The day grew later and it was dark enough to see the stars shining in the sky. Lisa ventured back to her home to see a frantic Jisoo biting her nails while pacing back and forth, and Bobby sitting on a rock holding his head down with his hands feeling distraught.

"What are you guys doing?" The girl asked with her eyebrows raised in suspicion. Both shot their heads in the direction of her sudden voice interrupting their thoughts.

Jisoo ran towards her sister — assuming she was getting a hug from being gone all day — but a sharp pain stung her cheek. Lisa held her red cheek and realized the girl slapped her. Painful tears circulated Jisoo's eyes, shocking Lisa, who pulled the youngster into a hug and tightened her hold.

"Never do that again!" She exclaimed with her voice cracking in tune with her sobs, "You scared me half to death."

A chuckle escaped from Lisa's mouth. Her older sister always tries to act tough but when it comes to family or friends she loves, she becomes such a overbearing mother. She tapped her back with her hand and cooed to soothe her mood, "Don't worry. I am ok."

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