Chapter 7

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Authors' Note: Thank you everyone for your support, we hit over 1k reads! I will try to update more often since I have a lot of free time lately! Comment and vote if you can because it really motivates me to keep writing.

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"The Queen of Korea."

The King twisted his pinky finger inside his earlobe, as if it was filled with sand because he could not believe what he had just heard. He sat there dumbfounded, feeling like his world was lighting on fire and destroying itself in the process. Everything around him was moving in slow motion while he was sitting on his throne, paralyzed and conflicted with Seo-joon's words.

Jungkook had no idea what his Vice-Premier was thinking. Everyone knew Rosé and him do not get along at all. To him, the girl was like an annoying gnat that bothered him until he went crazy. He could swat at her all he wants, but she will never go away. Her father could have named any other candidate to become Queen, but why her?

Seo-joon displayed a tight smile like he was internally laughing at Jungkook's dispense and said, "Not only my daughter, but there will be many other candidates." He hummed quietly to himself and nodded in agreement like he was talking to someone, "Right, women like Jennie from the Kim family or Lia from the Choi family, and even Tzuyu from the Chou house in Taiwan.

"You have so many options to choose from your Majesty." He said with a sarcastic but playful tone that only the King picked up.

Many of the supervisors in the room, nodded timidly and he could hear some whispering that they agree Jungkook needed to find a wife. He almost erupted into laughter believing this was all a joke until he saw the look on Rosé's face. The girl seemed shocked — as if someone cursed at her — and for a moment he felt sympathetic for her.

That is until she started speaking, "There is no way in hell I am marrying this vile man." She took a few steps backwards, away from her father and stood behind Chanyeol to protect herself from everyone's wandering eyes.

"I want to marry a man on my own free will. Someone who I love." She spoke again, but with a softer voice.

A red tint highlighted on her cheeks because she was flustered at her sudden confession. Rosé did not like Jungkook as a man. He was not the man who filled her stomach with butterflies or made electricity run through her body every time he touched or spoke to her. The man she loves is her knight and shining armor, and she cannot fathom her life without him.

At this point, Jungkook did not want to argue with her because he knew she was in as much shock as he was. He glanced at Chanyeol who was gritting his teeth, which tightened his jaw, and gazed at Seo-joon with piercing eyes. For years, he has been with Rosé, protecting and serving her without a say, but for the first time he showed vulnerability and conviction.

Seo-joon's demeanor changed from a confident man to someone who felt resentful. He gazed angrily at his daughter and Chanyeol, viewing them as traitors. However, before he could say anything, Jungkook stood up from his throne and exclaimed, "You can bring in as many contestants as you want, but I already have a woman who will be a great candidate for the position."

There was a woman who continued to pop up in his head whenever he closed his eyes. He always told himself that they come from two different worlds and it would never work out between them, but his heart was telling him to trust this feeling he had. He barely knows her, she is a normal commoner and she was kind of rude, but something about her was endearing. The way she spoke like she has been through hell and back made her very intriguing and he wanted to know her story. She was like a drug and he needed to keep running back for more so he can feel satisfied with life.

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