Chapter 13

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Park Seojoon has been advising the Jeon family since the day he was able to talk. His father and grandfather before him served the Kings of this country — getting nothing but dirt in return. The endless sweat, constant work and consistent attention he expended for the Royal family has made him bitter and vengeful.

Now it is time to take what is rightfully his.

During the silent night, Seojoon was waiting patiently in a secret cave with his personal men for his son to arrive. It was a full moon, which means madness consume the mind of weak individuals tonight. The smoke from the fire blazing in front of him was covering the sky and he could smell the burning wood — a pleasant smell.

Every day he was restless, preparing various tricks up his sleeves to fool not only the King's supervisors but the man himself. Seo-joon and Jungkook have never gotten along, especially after the King lost his family at a young age. Both have different opinions regarding how the country should be lead and he believes he can turn Korea into a even greater country; a country to fear.

Which was something King Jeon did not agree on. He wanted Korea to be a powerful nation people grow to respect due to their economy, education, technology and more. But, the selfish and impulsive characteristics Seo-joon portrays, does not connect with his King. Instead, his horrible mindset has contributed to his growing madness, so how can he lead a country?

The advisor wanted a menacing army that countries would tremble before; the King wanted peace with other countries to create a prosperious world. Neither could come to agreement with anything, which is why they would always try to one up each other with their plans.

Approaching footsteps were close, the sound of sticks cracking in the distance made Seo-joon's and his men's head snap at the area it was coming from. The presence of Park Jimin was in his father's angle of view and he was the epitome of a handsome man.

Although he is childish, Jimin had a charm about him that pulled people in. He had a way with words, he sadly inherited from his father, and could persuade anyone to do anything. Which can be a good or a bad thing.

"Father, what are we doing out here?" Jimin scanned the quiet area, feeling uncomfortable with the tension in the air, and the instability he noticed in his father's eyes.

"What do you want most in this world my son?"

Jimin thought about his question, but of course told him a smart ass answer, "Women and alcohol."

A hand smacked his head and he groaned but laughed in pain. Seo-joon knew his son was capable of more than just what he portrayed; however, he always acted childish to avoid real life problems. "I am being serious. My plans depend on you."

"On me?" Jimin curiously asked while rubbing his head to soothe the pain, "Why does it depend on me?"

The older man walked with his hands behind his back around to the other side of the fire to face his son who was honestly confused about the whole situation.

"You are worth more than just a poor advisors son, Jimin. What will you say or do if I grant you more power? More power than you could ever imagine?"

Wood that was lit on fire was cracking and breaking down because of the amount of heat exposed to it. Seo-joon stared into the red flames making his face look evil and desperate for power — something Jimin has noticed about his father for the past few years. The older man displayed a grim smile giving Jimin chills down his back, concerned for his father's well-being.

"What kind of power?"

Seo-joon chuckled, lightning striking at the sound of his voice highlighting his fierce facial features, "The kind of power to be the new King of this nation?"

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