Chapter 4

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The two strangers were awkwardly sitting on opposite sides of the room and have not spoken a word to each other since their last interaction. The only thing they could hear was chatter occurring outside.

Lisa was fidgeting with her fingers where she felt sparks running through her veins where he touched her. The feeling was foreign and surprised her. She wondered if it was a good or bad thing to feel. She just met him thirty minutes ago, so it was kind of awkward. Making small talk would be weird and just leaving him in the store by himself would be rude.

She started to feel antsy but when she moved she felt something rustling in her pocket. Lisa found the list she was supposed to run errands for until she got caught up with Magistrate Mark and "Jungkyu."

Crap, crap, crap! Jisoo is going to kill me. Lisa panicked internally as bit her thumb in nervously.

Abruptly, she jumped up from her seat and stared at him. Jungkook was startled at her sudden movement and eyed her curiously.

Lisa creepily smiled, "Um, it was nice to meet you, but I have to go." She waved goodbye to the stranger and slightly ran towards the exit, but Jungkook slammed his hand on the door to block her from leaving.

She could feel his muscular body behind her own and tensed up when she felt his gown touch her back. To be honest, Lisa was annoyed. She had no idea what emotion to feel when their hands touched and now he was so close to her she could barely breathe. Also, she was grateful for his help in the past and was kind enough to say goodbye to him before she left, but now she has no clue what he is thinking.

The girl turned to face him and portrayed a 'what do you want?' look on her face. But, her grim face soften when she saw him analyzing her features. It was the first time she has ever been so close to a boy and Jungkook has never been this close to a girl. The two figures stared at each other's facial features, admiring one another. Lisa noticed his bunny-like teeth, brown doe eyes and his piercing gaze that made her shiver.

Then, Jungkook cupped her both of her cheeks with his hands and smiled softly. He leaned in closer and Lisa could feel her cheeks turning red in embarrassment. On impulse, she closed her eyes, waiting in anticipation.

All of a sudden, he gripped her cheeks tightly and pulled them making her face look fat, "Is this any way to treat a person who saved you?" Jungkook asked, feeling annoyed. He saved her from being killed, but now she wants to leave him stranded in a place where he knows nobody? No way in hell.

She whined and smacked his chest because of the pain, so Jungkook eased off his grip. Lisa slapped his hands away from her face and gave him a mean look. She screamed and pointed her finger at him, "Yah! What is your problem?!"

Cute. Jungkook thought to himself as he covered his mouth from showing her his smile. Although she was giving him a dirty look, he could not help but to think she looked so doll-like. He noticed it before but she did not look like a typical Korean. Something about her was different.

His inner thoughts were disrupted by a small, cute doll-like woman, "Hello? Are you deaf?!" She exclaimed and poked his chest in annoyance.

Lisa could not believe what he just did to her. She was flustered when he got close to her but when he grabbed her cheeks she was flabbergasted. The only person who has ever made her feel this weak was Jisoo, but that was because she is the devil and this man was close to being the devil's cousin at this point.

She sighed in defeat, "I do not have time for your games. I have somewhere to be."

"Can I join you?" Jungkook immediately asked. He realized he had to find Taehyung quick before his guards find out he is missing, "Until I find my brother, I will accompany you." Lisa knew the man would not leave her side and she was afraid if she said no, he would grab her cheeks again.

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