Chapter 14

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A/N: Is anyone still here... lol

"I have brought you all here for a good reason," the King explained in a deep voice that echoed throughout the room. The audience in front of him were his most trusted supervisors who assist him in making decisions they see fit for the country.

No one was looking at him, as a sign of respect, but at the same time it was because everyone was afraid of him. His aura and presence he radiates in person was by far the scariest thing they all have ever been through. Although lately, Jungkook demeaning personality has eased due to a special someone, he still portrayed a strong, confident, and menacing persona for people within the palace.

He cleared his throat, suddenly feeling nervous, and stood up from his throne and the butterflies in his stomach were moving like they were fluttering around his muscle and bones.

"As the King of Korea, there are situations where I cannot make everyone happy," he stated clearly. "But, I want people to be proud of living in this country. A nation where everyone can feel safe and secure."

He walked down the path, thinking about how he could ease into his true intentions for today. "The most important part about being the King is finding problems and having my most trusted men solve these instances with me."

Everyone nodded their heads, in agreement, and some pursed their lips trying not to smile — believing they are the ones who change Korea's society when helping the King — but in reality Jungkook makes all the final decisions. He held his hands behind his back, then stopped in front of supervisor Kim Mingyu who was about to piss his pants because the King was standing so close to him.

"Supervisor Kim, do you think I would intentionally make a bad decision?" Jungkook spoke as he placed his heavy hand on his shoulder, showing a blank face while trying not to scare the him even more than he was. In the mind of the Mingyu, he had nothing to say like cobwebs were trapped inside his head. Yep, he was definitely shitting his pants at the moment.

Mingyu swallowed the clumped spit in his mouth, shaking his head, not knowing how to comprehend his words, but went with a simple, "No, King Jeon."

Jungkook smirked at the boy, who was the same age as him, and proceeded to pat him on the shoulder, which loosened his anxiety. He continued to walk down the stone path, "The reason I brought you all together is to talk about the divide between the Nai's and Koreans."

Voices in the room gradually increased, murmuring and whispering why the sudden change of opinions towards Nai's were happening now. Supervisor Choi Minho spoke first, "The divide between Nai's and Koreans should no longer be a discussion, your Highness. Majority of them have been killed from the war or left their homes to other neighboring countries."

"And you do not think that is a problem?" The King quickly spat, wanting to smack the judgmental look off his face and felt disgusted by his uncaring behavior.

"What he is trying to say," Seo-joon interrupted like he always did to save his minions. "Is that Nai's are seen as slaves in our country instead of being killed. There is no divide."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, confused on how any of these men could think making Nai's slaves would be ok at all. Not only that, but the blonde people are still being killed. He saw it first hand when Lisa saved the little boy and Jennie saving BamBam from being murdered by Magistrate Mark. The point is that Jungkook cannot oversee everything that goes on in his country; but, now the problem are people who work under him using their power for the wrong reasons.

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