Chapter 17

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I say sorry every chapter, but seriously I am sorry for the delay...

Hope you enjoy.

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Jungkook's mind was muddled. Trying to wrap his mind about what happened a few minutes ago. After the assassin left, he could no longer move. His legs felt like they were trapped in the ground covered with cement. The world, no time, stopped moving because his heart no longer felt secured. Within the span of mere seconds, he found out the woman he loves tried to kill him.

Staring up into the sky where the stars shined so brightly, Jungkook clutched his chest, circling over his heart, to keep himself from crying. The man teared up for two reasons — love and pain.

Love at first sight.

It succumbed his heart ever since he laid eyes on Lisa. When they met, he was trapped by her beauty. Drooling over her like a dog begging for a bone. Not only that, but her strong personality and straight-forwardness when she spoke to her, attracted him. No one would speak to Jungkook the way Lisa did. But he loved that about her. Although she was never aware of his real identity, she treated him like a normal human being. Something he never received in the palace, which was refreshing — she was a bright light in his dark and lonely life.

Quickly, Jungkook became selfish. Wanting to know everything about her more than anyone else in her life. Leaving the palace on his own terms, sometimes secretly, because he wanted to see her. No, he yearned to see her beautiful brown eyes meeting his darker ones, plump pink lips he desperately wanted to kiss all the time and seeing her faintly rosy cheeks whenever he teased her.

Still laying down, he grazed his fingers over the scar on his cheek. He remembered when Lisa cleaned his wound. The conviction and resilience in her voice during their conversation about how the ruler should deal with Nai's made him realize how passionate she was about protecting them.

Why didn't he put two and two together?

When he visited the river, he remembered seeing a naked woman, bathing herself under a waterfall. The slash marks on her back, most likely wounded from being a slave, and her beautiful, long, and silky blonde hair. It was Jungkook's first time seeing a Nai look so elegantly ethereal and he almost felt guilty witnessing her beauty.

But when she turned around, a rush of fear surged through his body, because his heart was screaming that it was her; however, his mind told him to ignore it. Even when he met BamBam again, sporting the blonde hair, instead of the black he saw on Lisa's birthday. Lisa even brought up Jennie, asking if she was a good woman, but he didn't think anything of it.

Trying to fit the puzzle pieces together for so long, he was missing one important piece to tie everything together.

Now, dumbfounded, he squeezed his eyes shut and pounded his fists on the ground in frustration.

"How could I be so stupid?" Jungkook whispered to himself and wanted to disappear from the Earth for acting so oblivious.

That's where the pain comes in.

The reason why she saved the little Nai boy when they first met. The reason why she was so passionate about the King changing Korea's perspective on the people of Nailand. The reason why her reasoning to be happy was to take back what was her. The reason why she cried her parents name while she slept on his lap. The reason why she didn't tell Jungkook she loved him the last time they met.

Jeon Jungkook is an idiot.

That woman is Lisa.

Lisa is a Nai.

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