Chapter 1

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Authors' Note: The story is still in the past.
I did a prologue on Lisa's part and this chapter is Jungkook's. There is a scene that might be a little graphic to some people, so I will put a warning sign before it begins. Next chapter is when the story REALLY starts. Enjoy!

"The loss is unmeasurable
but so is the love left behind"

☾ ✩ ☽

An eight year old boy frolicked through a garden holding his mother's hand as they looked at their beautiful flowers. The smell of florets made the boy feel calm like it was his safe space.

The woman walked with her son, matching his slow pace. Suddenly, the boy stopped in his tracks and his mother crouched down to match his height. She observed his strong facial features that matched his fathers. He was breathing slowly, inhaling the smell of the hibiscus syriacus (Korean Rose) and the cherry blossom trees surrounding him, and he gradually begun to smile softly.

The woman chuckled, "What are you smiling at?"

"I love our garden. It's like our secret place where we can do anything we want. No guards, servants, or higher ups can bother us." The boy sighed and opened his small brown eyes meeting bigger ones in front of him, "I feel safe here."

The woman looked at her son with warmth and love. As the wind blew, his bangs fell over his eyes. She pushed his bangs back to reveal his forehead and kissed it gently.

He stuck his tongue out in disgust, "Ew mom." The boy wiped her kiss stain off his forehead. His words meant one thing but deep in his heart he really does love his mother's comfort.

"Mom," the little boy spoke with determined eyes, "Like this garden, I am going to develop a society where the people of Korea feel safe. Although I am the second son, I will support brother and father so we can create a just world together."

The mother was surprised by his words because they normally never spoke about his duties as a prince. Even though he is only eight years old, his maturity was beyond her expectations. Then, she picked up a red flower next to her and held it in front of his face.

"You were born to be a ruler, Jeon Jungkook."

☾ ✩ ☽

Later that night

Bright in the sky was a shining full moon and it was the color of red. A blood moon.

In a small room, Jungkook was supposed to be sleeping after he spent the day with his mother. However, Jungkook could not fall asleep, so he decided to go walk around the palace.

He quickly put his slippers on and cracked his door open to make sure no servants or guards were outside of his room. Fortunately, no one was in sight, so he carefully walked on his tippy toes hoping no one would hear him.

"Everyone is sleeping." Jungkook heard a man speak softly, "We must do it now or we will never have a chance to do it again."

Then a different man spoke, "The timing does not seem right. I am not sure of this anymore." Jungkook recognized this voice but he was speaking so low it was hard to understand him.

The young prince slowly walked to the corner of the hallway and peeked his head around to see who was speaking, but it was so dark to see. The only thing he could see was blonde hair.

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