Chapter 12

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The last thing she remembered was feeling his thumb on her lips and seeing his piercing gaze that made her legs weak. Lisa squeezed her eyes shut as Jungkook's lips moved towards her own.

Was this going to be her official first kiss?

But... his lips felt weird. They were soft but not like what she expected them to feel like. Although she should not open her eyes, something deep inside her bones told her to do so. She heard him shift his head away from her and sigh in relief like he was holding his breath the whole time. The softness disappeared, but something was still pressed against her lips.

He muttered under his breath thinking Lisa would not hear him, "Whew, I think we lost them."

Lost who? Lisa thought to herself. Slowly, her eyes opened to see his thumb still touching her lips.

What. The. Hell.

Lisa felt so humiliated. How could she ever believe he would kiss her out of the blue? I mean, he was teasing her all day, so why did she ever think he would kiss her just because he was close to her lips?

He glanced around their surroundings, feeling satisfied he lost his friends who were searching for him, and turned to see Lisa scowling at him. If looks could kill, Jungkook would be murdered to death right now. Quickly, he pulled his thumb off her lips like it was a hot plate then scratched his nape, feeling awkward. The King did not mean to put her in this predicament, but he figured if Taehyung and Namjoon saw their closeness — hence the fake kiss — then they would never suspect it would be him.

She wanted to scold and curse him for putting them in this weird situation. They were in public for goodness sake and public display of affection in this day in age was not tolerated. But, deep inside, as much as she did not want to admit it, she was disappointed. Depressed he did not fulfill her deep desire she has been trying to avoid these past two days; however, reality stuck her faster than lightning because she was dumb enough to feel down in the dumps for not being kissed by this perverted man.

Lisa groaned and harshly slapped her head with her hand because she did not understand why she had this weird connection with him. The feeling of comfort and warmth he emanated when he was around her, sucked her in like a vacuum making her get stuck in the cross-hairs. Out of all people, why did she want him to be her first kiss?

"Sorry," Jungkook abruptly spoke, interrupting her strange thoughts, but still not paying attention to him.

Ignoring his apologies, her fingers brushed over her lips, feeling the heat from his thumb slowly disappear and Jungkook raised his eyebrows watching her movements.

As much as he did not want to ask her this specific question, he had to. Her answer will kind of feel reassuring for him, "Wait... did you think I was about to kiss you?" He curiously asked, then her cheeks gradually turning red, which confirmed the answer he was looking for.

"N-No!" She stuttered an unconfident answer, avoiding his eyes while playing with her hair. Jungkook chuckled at her cute habit because he knew she was lying.

Jeez, this was too uncomfortable for her. He was always so calm, cool and collective around her while she felt like a fish with legs, which basically meant she was awkward as hell. However, Lisa had no idea the butterflies he feels whenever she is around him. Every synonym with words like excitement, happiness and nervousness described how he felt around her all the time. The only problem was she just does not realize how his feelings are gradually increasing for her every single second of the day.

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