Chapter 9

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Jungkook was beyond irritated.

Once he got to his room, he grabbed a tea cup that was on the table and threw it on the ground. The cup shattered everywhere and his servants picked it up, not caring if their fingers were cut. The furious man shouted for them to leave him alone. He did not even want Taehyung in his sight.

The anger he felt was indescribable and he wanted to curse the Gods for putting him in this situation. When it comes to marriage, he knows better than anyone else that having an heir is important, but in his mind, there are more major problems going on than him not having a wife.

After he confronted Seo-joon, the stupid man just had a stupid smile on his face, saying congratulations and good luck on finding a wife. The whole situation was stupid to Jungkook. All his supervisors chanted happily, making the King feel uneasy. Every time he was a step ahead, Seo-joon reeled him back right back in like a captured fish.

As the commotion slightly died down, he tried to bring up what he wanted to discuss with his supervisors, but everyone was too preoccupied with the news of a new Queen. It was frustrating to him.

When he was younger, he did not have an understanding of what a Nai was. In his mind because of the his past scholars teachings, Nai's were barbarians who killed others for pure enjoyment. They were dumb as rocks, but their combat skills were better than their neighboring countries.

His first time seeing a Nai in person was 10 years ago and he had no idea what to expect. Then, he saw Nickhun working with his brother to potentially destroy the Royal family and the Kingdom. Jungkook realized the blonde man was fighting against Korea to save his country because we destroyed everything he had.

10 years later, he first handily saw how his country treated Nai's even after the war was long over and he had to do something about it.

After meeting Lisa, he saw the heartache she displayed in her eyes when the little boy she was trying to save was taken by the Magistrate. She looked at the boy like a mother whose child was being murdered right in front of her and she was unable to do anything about it.

Pain. Hopelessness. Guilt. Worthlessness. Anger. Sadness. Grief. Sorrow. Despair. Shame. Fear.

Any negative emotion a person can think of, Lisa emanated that energy. Even when she laid her head on his lap and cried out for her parents from a nightmare she was having, he could feel how much pain and agony she was in.

Jungkook had no clue why, but he wanted to see her again. This time, he wanted to make her smile and help her forget about the memories she went through.

A sudden knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, "Yes?"

"Scholar Kim came to visit you, King Jeon." Taehyung announced while biting his lip in nervousness. He knew the last thing Jungkook needed was more stress, but the Scholar told
him it was important.

Jungkook cleared his throat, "He can come in."

Scholar Kim walked into the room with Taehyung following behind. He bowed to the Emperor with respect, "King Jeon."

"Seokjin.. my dear friend," Jungkook pursed his lips and could feel his head pounding giving him a slight headache, "What brings you here?"

"I am here to tell you that Jennie Kim from Gwangju is on her way to see you," Seokjin's adam apple bobbed up and down from the spit he swallowed from being so nervous.

The look on Jungkook's face said it all:
He was pissed.

His eyes were cold and it felt like the whole room was buried in snow, "What do you mean she is coming now?"

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