Chapter 2

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Authors' Note: I really appreciate anyone taking the time to read my story. I am almost at 100 reads so thank you.

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10 years later

The city of Hanseop is the capital of Korea and has increased in population since the war against Nailand ended 10 years ago. No wars have occurred between Korea or any other country, so having children became easier for Koreans, and they have lived peacefully as a nation.

Lisa Manoban has resided in Korea since she was eight years old. Lisa was discovered in the woods by a Korean man and his daughter a few weeks after she was separated from her mother. When they found her, she was terrified at first because she did not have black hair to hide who her identity, but they brought her to their home anyways.

The Korean man saw Lisa as a fragile and petrified little girl who was a victim in a terrible war and needed help. Lisa was all skin and bones, fighting for her life amongst wolves and other bloodthirsty creatures who resided in the woods. The man and his daughter kept Lisa's identity a secret and sought to protect her and teach her about the culture and language of Korea, so she can live a normal and safe life.

Currently, Lisa was slumped against her cushions, dead asleep from being so drunk last night. Then, a girl screamed outside her room, "Lisa! Let's go to the market!"

The eighteen year old groaned, still tired from last nights event. She heard banging on her door believing it was just in her dreams, "Go away." Lisa muttered in her sleep. Sleeping was her best friend and nothing was going to ruin their relationship.

When she did not answer, the girl barged into her room with a scowl, "Get up, lazy girl."

"Jisoo, please give me five more minutes," Lisa moaned, realizing this was not a dream and unfortunately reality. She could barely open her eyes and her head was pounding from a raging hangover. Jisoo talking was definitely not helping her headache.

She crossed her arms over her chest and slammed her foot on the floor making Lisa jump. Her eyelids opened slowly and saw a psychotic looking woman in front of her, "You are the devil."

Jisoo shrugged, "I know." The older girl smiled brightly feeling proud of her nickname, "Now get up, we have work to do today. Dad needs us to get fish and other supplies from the market." Lisa shivered when she pulled her covers off her body. The impact of the cold air made Lisa wake up even more. The blonde was not a morning person at all and waking up with a hangover made everything seem worse.

"You know it's my birthday, right? Let me have my day in peace." Lisa closed her eyes and reached her hands up, hoping Jisoo would hand her the blanket back.

The girl with black hair decided to tease her a bit, "Oh, how could I forget?" Jisoo lowered the blanket towards her hands, "Here you go baby." Once Lisa's fingers touched the blanket, she smacked her with it.

Lisa whined in pain while glaring at her, "Jisoo, what the hell?!"

"I do not care if it is the prince's birthday, get the hell up." Jisoo exclaimed while continuing to smack the blanket at her.

Lisa kicked her feet at the blanket, feeling frustrated, "This is why the town calls you the devil!"

Jisoo laughed while walking out of Lisa's room with the blanket in case she fell back asleep. Lisa cursed under her breath because she did not want to get up. The blonde took her time getting up when the room started to spin. Lisa clutched the side of her head, "I am never drinking with Bobby ever again."

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"Your highness, it is important we control the use of water in the city." A man spoke politely.

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