Chapter 19

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Sitting in his corridor with confusion and anger in his eyes was Park Jimin. After seeing his sister being dragged away for going against their father, Jimin's mind went blank. It's been a few days and the image of tears running down her face still cannot leave his mind.

When Chaeyoung's muffled screams decreased, his father threatened he would do the same to Jimin if he didn't follow his rules. It's the first time Jimin noticed a hint of evil in his father's eyes.

Leaning his head against the wall, a million thoughts ran through his head. How could his father do this?Jimin didn't understand the reasoning behind his fathers overwhelming hunger for power. Even though he knew Jungkook and his father didn't see eye to eye, but he didn't realize it was THIS bad.

Swallowing the spit down his dry throat, he felt nervous. Internally, panic emerged within. He bit his nails, a nervous tick he developed as a child. Not noticing the blood showing on his middle finger, until it touched his taste buds. Jimin looked down at his wounded finger where the red liquid escaped and he realized if this war between Jungkook and his father continued then there will be a lot of blood shedded the Kingdom. Especially since his father would not give up until Korea was his to rule.

If anyone were to overthrow the King, a lot of blood would be shed. There are citizens who do not support Jungkook, but there's a mass population who love the King to death. People who would go to war and fight to the death for him. Servants, military officials and more who would avenge the King if anything happened to him.

Fuck. Jimin placed his head in the palm of his hands and loudly sighed. What's he supposed to do?

Jimin wouldn't dare go against THE Jeon Jungkook. Sure, he teases him a lot and annoys him to death (just a bit jimin.. lol), but he never assumed anything like dethroning the King was in the mix of his future tasks.

His head turned quickly towards the door when he heard movement outside. Seo-joon hired guards to sit outside of his son's corridor because he was skeptical whether Jimin would run away or not.

There was a few seconds of silence until one of them spoke.

"The King woke up," a man with a low-pitch tone said. "Mr. Park isn't going to be happy to hear this news."

Another voice spoke but their voice was slightly rougher, "Hmm, too bad. This would just be easier if he never woke up."

Jimin mentally cheered. Through the grape vine, he heard the King passed out from exhaustion a few days ago, but no one in the Kingdom knew because if the higher ups found out it would've caused an uproar.

"How much longer do we have to stay to watch these brats?" The second voice asked in an irritated tone. "I'm sick of going back and forth watching thing 1 and thing 2."

Voice one cackled, "At least the girl is pretty to look at. The things I would do to her."

Feeling grossed out and not willing to hear anymore vile words coming from their mouths. But he wondered who they were talking about. Thing 1? Thing 2?

He stood up from his sitting position to listen to their conversation better. It wasn't like he was going anywhere any time soon.

A man snickered, "I heard Vice-Premier Park's daughter recently visited the King and agreed to be his wife. I guess the foul mouthed girl changed her mind after all."

Jimin's eyebrows furrowed and his ears perked up. Vice-Premier's daughter? My sister? Chaeyoung?

He was worried, especially since the last time he saw his sister, she was dragged from his sight.

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