A new life

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The ceremony had taken much longer than he had anticipated. But he had actually hoped that it would take longer. It was nice to see all those people when he looked out from the balcony of Winterfell. All the shouting and the prayers for him and his well-being. It was a great feeling.

Yesterday, the Wolfsguard has sworn fealty to him. It was the personal guard of the king, and it was composed of 12 members. Ser Arthur, The sword of the Morning, was The Lord commander, and he was the deadliest of the twelve. He was his uncle, the brother of her mother, and he taught him everything he knew about the sword business. But Jon knew that he would never become better than his uncle, even though he was the second strongest swordsman in the North.

The other members of his Wolfsguard were Dacey Mormont, Torrhen and Eddard Karstark, Robin Flint, Brandon Snow, Smalljon Umber, Harold Cerwyn, Gareth Glover, Owen Norrey, Theo Wull, Benjen Stark, and the newest one Viserys Targaryen, who was made Wolfsguard yesterday after the coronation. He was 2 years older than Jon and wield Darksister, the sword of his ancestors, and that was wielded by Aemon The Dragonknight when he was a Wolfsguard during King Cregan Stark reign. As he was walking down the hall of Winterfell, he was a little nervous, because of the first day as a king, and tired, after spending almost all night at the feast. Jon saw his mother Ashara coming towards him. She smiled warmly at him, with her beautiful bright violet eyes still slightly red from all the crying. She still looked beautiful though, tall with long dark hair and a gorgeous smile.

"My son... " she sighed as he took her hand and kissed it.

"Mother. Aren't you going to bless me?" he asked with a teasing smile.

She smiled at that and placed her hands on both of his cheeks "I have blessed you so many time already, my Prince, that the Old Gods and the New must be tired of hearing my voice."

He laughed "Thank you."

She pulled his head down, so she could kiss his forehead "You must rule like your father did, my love."

That made him sigh and pull away. "I'll remember that for when I get married" he said as he starts to walk away.

"Jon!" his mother cooed as she turned to watch him.

He turned around, walking backward and winked "Only kidding," he said, even though she already knew it.

She smiled and blew him a kiss, and he did the same, a habit she had raised him with.

As he turned around he said "I'm going to the Godswood. Tell Lord Aerys, Arthur, Benjen, Robb and Grey Worm to meet me there " and he left.

When he arrived in the Godswood, he didn't see that Ghost was already waiting for him there.

Smiling, he called him. "Come here, boy!"

Ghost immediately jumped to him and Jon began to pet him.

Sitting on the weirwood trunk, he breathed. He liked to come to this place. Here he could find peace and relax. It was a refuge from the court.

He began to think about his mother and how could his father put her aside. Even if she still was the queen, and he the heir. He didn't dislike his father, not at all. He loved him very much, but they weren't very close, and that was also partly because he took a second wife.

His mother was his father first wife and Jon remembers that he was angry when his father married a second woman. But he's anger grow when his stepmother, Catelyn Tully, started to treat him poorly, like a bastard or a servant, not a prince. And especially when her son Bran was born. She wished that he died.

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