The Storm

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Sorry for the long way. Real-life is very busy.

So HBO will adapt the Fire and blood, and I can't wait to see it, especially Jaehaerys and his good queen, which are my favorite characters and couple after the Jonerys, despite I had some doubt regarding their happy couple after reading that book, and the introduction of that damn Stark Lord.

Good reading

In the South...

Jaime Lannister POV

It had been several days since they had been stationary, and about three days from Highgarden, waiting for news regarding the landing of the second Lannister army. Jaime knew that the longer he delayed his march on Highgarden, the more he gave the enemy a chance to arm himself, but he had no choice.

Another thing that worried him was the approach of a storm from the west. From the lands of Stormlands, and that will undoubtedly head towards the coasts, and this again wasn't good for the ships.

Suddenly, while he was leaning on the war table, where there was a map, Jaime saw a man running in, "My Prince! I come with bad news from the exploration," he said breathlessly.

"Speak up!"

"The Tyrells have blocked our advance, building palisades, which run from the east coast to Highgarden."

Jaime chuckled. What fools. They think that will save them. They were just wasting their time.

"There's an army camped there. Two thousand men more or less."

"Two thousand dead bodies. Now go, if there's nothing else." And the soldier left the tent. He was the first explorer to return alive after he had sent a dozen.

Jaime heard shouts outside, and men running and exiting, he saw how the storm was on them. The sky was darkened, lightning coming into the sky, the roar of thunder, and the rain that was about to come. The wind began to rise, and Jaime was very worried. They had a lot of supplies, which could be ruined, not to mention their siege systems if they were damaged.

Because of the rain and wind, some of the camp tents were destroyed or damaged. Chaos was beginning as men in the rain ran back and forth, saving what they could.

Jaime also left his tent to help the men in this regard.

After a few hours, trying to save what was possible, Jaime retired to his tent, wet and rotten, while the storm continued to rage outside. They lost a lot of stuff, and only the gods know what else will be lost after this storm.

He could not even wash with hot water since most of the wood they had was wet and not suitable for the fire, so he could only change his clothes.

After taking one last look outside, and seeing his soldiers in the curtains, Jaime walked towards his bed in the curtain, and then fell asleep, with the dagger under his pillow, and hugging the sword.


Near the Shield Islands...

Differents POV

Their fleet sailed along the coasts of the Reach, getting closer and closer to the Shield Islands.

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