The Lord of the Dreadfort

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In the North...

Roose Bolton POV

Roose Bolton was in his study when suddenly, he heard knocking on the door. "Come in," and saw Master Wolkan enter, with a sad expression on his face, and his eyes lowered.

"What is it, Master Wolkan?"

"Your son's escort was attacked as he was traveling to the capital. Lord Domeric was killed," said Wolkan, with his eyes fixed on the floor.

Roose clenched his fist when he heard that. Domeric was a good son, and a worthy heir to the House. But he had neither his cold blood nor his cruelty. He was not like him, who could manipulate and play with the minds of men, he wasn't like the old Red Kings. Roose felt sorry for his son's death, and he felt a bit of sadness, even if he didn't want to show it, but now what worried him most was the future of his house. The only one who could continue the House, for now, was his bastard. That Mad Dog that leaves behind dead women and that is drawing too much attention

"There's a survivor," said Wolkan, and Roose said, "Bring him here."

After a while, he saw a young man, with blond long and wavy hair, who usually accompanied his son on his rides. He knew that he was the son of one of his Bannerman.

"Who are you?"

"Gryff of House Whitehill, my lord," replied the young man.

"Tell me, Gryff, who attacked you? And who killed my son?"

"The attackers wore the emblems of House Stark, and the attacker was Robb Snow, Commander of the Royal Army," he replied, but Roose knew that he was lying. Because Snow was not in the capital.

"You're lying," said Roose, getting up from his chair.

"No, my lord! The man who beheaded Lord Domeric was called like that. He had a beard and red-brown hair, and the wolf on his chest."

"Robb Snow is beyond the Wall with the king, so it wasn't him. Who else was there?"

"There was a man next to a tree, in the distance, with dark hair and beard. That's all I saw."

Now it was interesting, and turning back to the young man he said, "You Gryff will show me where the ambush occurred," Roose said.

"Yes, my lord," replied Gryff, and he sent him away.

As he left his study, Roose headed for his son's room. Upon entering, he saw that the master was there, while Domeric's body was on the bed, and his head was there. The master cleaning Domeric's body, of the blood, but Rosse stopped him and said, "On my return from the capital, we will give my son the burial."

Then he went out of the keep, and climbing his horse, he rode toward the place where the ambush happened.

After four days of travel, Roose arrived where the ambush took place, getting off the horse, he saw that the trees were on the ground and that there were no dead bodies there. Someone burned them or buried them.

"Is this where you were attacked?" Roose asked Gryff.

"Yes, my lord. And the man was up there," Gryff said, pointing his finger at a hill further up.

Roose said nothing because he guessed who was the man that stood there during the attack. This road passed near Stormcrow Castle, and that meant Daario Naaharis, and he was friends with Ramsey. So Ramsey killed Domeric to replace him. It wasn't a surprise. Roose has always warned Domeric about Ramsey, but he never listened to him. He always wanted a brother, and he wanted to increase their bond and their friendship. But little did Domeric know of Ramsey's intentions. And now, until he remarries, he must name his bastard his heir. He will punish the members of House Naaharis when he becomes King of the North. But for now, he needs his men Returning to his horse, he said to the man who was carrying the raven, and gave him the scroll, saying, "Send the raven to the capital with this scroll."

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