Chapter 61: Breaching the walls

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Castle black...

"NIGHT WATCH! TO ME!" Rodrick shouted, raising his sword and standing before the breach in the wall, where, in the meantime, the fiery hand with their fire weapons rushed too to face the horde of undead that were charging at them.

His men on the other hand, were scared like shit, and how can he blame them? They weren't soldiers, just outlaws, and average people. Some run away in fear, breaking their oaths, however, others remained, and gathered around him. While the fiery hand was already engaging the enemy, the Red Priestess, who came to them in the meantime, said, "Lift up your sword, Commander."

And he obeyed, as the priestess started to say words in High Valyrian, and his sword and the ones of his men, light on fire.

After this moment of shock, Rodrick said to the priestess, "You need to leave now!" and nodding to his men charged into the fray, swinging his flaming sword and flaming chain against the enemy.

Seeing them through the breach as they charged, the undead horde seemed even larger than it was before, and even the fiery hand seemed to not be able to hold its own. If setting fire to it had seemed like a good idea, it turned out to be a fatal mistake, and indeed Castle Black caught fire too.

His men were burning along with the undeads, and Rodrik, turning to his steward, Rodrik shouted, "Sound the horn! Retreat!"

Suddenly, they were hit by a mighty snowstorm, knocking them to the ground and at the same time, extinguishing their flaming weapons, leaving all of them to the mercy of the undead. They were doomed, and they failed in the oath. Westeros was doomed.


Golden Company camp...

He was entering the golden company camp, seeing the men deep in the wine, in the feast, and with whores. Disgusting behavior to see from a famed company like them, but the voice in his head was saying that this was normal considering they were sellswords.

When his party stopped before the main tent, and down from the horse, Aerys heard come chants and laughs, and music coming from the inside, and taking of his glove, with hand on the sword, he started to head towards the entrance, where the two guards opened the drape of the entrance.

Inside, he saw all the captains of the Company sitting at a table full of wine and food. Around there were chests with gold, and pillows with girls, undoubtedly whores too, or maybe courtesans.

They all stopped from whatever they were doing, while the commander was sitting lazily in his seat, not even looking at him, but only twirling with the goblet.

"Commander Aegor. May I introduce-"

"What brings the famous Aerys Targaryen in my humble tent?" the man at the head of the table asked, cutting the one that was introducing him.

"I came to hire you."

"Your son has already been here and hired us," replied the man, annoyed, and sipping from his goblet. "And as I told him, I repeat to you. We are unavailable for a year."

"I must insist," Aerys replied, stepping closer, and leaning against the table. "I can't wait a year."

"Then you must offer more than my present employers do," the man replied, motioning to a golden-haired, half-naked girl to approach and sit in his lap.

"What can I offer you in order for you to be accepted?" asked Aerys, looking at the captains, but none seemed to want to answer. "We will pay two thousand golden dragons for each Capitaine of the Company, besides the main amount of gold, we will give you lands with castles from the North, the Riverlands, and Dorne."

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