The Snake's Secret

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In the south...

Willas Tyrell POV

Willas was leaning with his elbows on the pier of the ship looking towards the coast of Dorne. His hawk, Garth, was flying in the sky above their ship. Soon he will meet his future wife, Arianne Martell. Rumour says that she is one of the most beautiful women in Westeros, and this put his heart at rest. But he also felt pity and compassion for her, knowing that if she marries him, she cannot be Queen of Dorne. She cannot take her rightful place.

He never wanted that to happen to her, but he couldn't do anything about it. They needed Dorne to resist Tywin Lannister.

"What are you thinking about, Prince?" he hears his friend Garrett.

Willas sighed "I think of my future wife. She should rule this Kingdom, according to Dorne's law. Still, her father marries her to the next kingdom, taking away her right to the throne in order to satisfy his lust for power. Prince Doran is apparently no different from the others, preferring power over his daughter's happiness, and preferring a male over a female, as his successor, even though she is the eldest one. You know, I never wanted power, because as you can see it corrupts the soul."

"You could have refused..."

"No. That was an ultimatum for me. I had to choose. If I didn't accept the marriage, I had to give up the throne. Anyway, I had nothing to lose. It's not that I have a woman for whom I would give up the throne. She is the one who has more to lose, but I am sure of one thing. When I'm king, I won't do the same to my children.

His friend laughed and put his hand over his shoulder.

" Anyway, the Southern realms will soon fall. Tywin Lannister is too smart, ruthless and cunning to lose. Perhaps the only kingdom that could beat him is the North with their young King, who is just as smart and ruthless."

"So you believe the stories about Astapor."

"Of course I do. And the others are stupid for not believing. I've read a lot of books about the first men, and the young king is a descendant of them, on his father's side. And on the mother's side, he has blood from ancient Valyria, certainly not like the Targaryen but enough to create the most powerful creature of this world. Daemon Stark, the Son of King Jonnel Stark and Daena Targaryen, despite having been met Targaryen and half Stark did not have this power. He was not a Warg. Although, he was a great king. Jon Stark, on the other hand, is a completely different animal. And above all, he has the weather on his side. Winter is coming and it is at that moment that the wolves are stronger. Tywin Lannister will be a fool to challenge him. Or Invade him. "

"Well, if he conquers all the kingdoms of the South, he'll have a powerful army that..."

"That will be slaughtered, Garrett."

"Tywin Lannister is smart enough not to fall into the boy's traps."

"Are you sure about that? He knows the kings of the South. He knows my father, who is dumb, and who will have our house ruined when my grandmother is gone. All these are old kings who met Tywin Lannister in their youth, who may have been defeated by him in border battles, but a young king, whom he never met and who is not afraid? Even I would be afraid of one..."

"Look! Martell ships" His friend said pointing with his finger. And Willis looked, to him it seemed strange that Martell ships were coming towards them.

"I don't like this, Garrett. Warn the men in case of boarding. Discreetly."

He nodded and ran down. As they got closer and closer, Willis saw what looked like a catapult is the last thing he saw was arriving fireballs that destroyed the ship and made him fall into the sea.

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