The Night Queen

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In Essos...

Golden Company Camp...

Rhaegar Targaryen POV

Rhaegar was crossing the camp of the Golden Company, and it was vast. You could see that the soldiers were veterans, the way they were armed and the way they fought. Looking around from above his horse, he saw that they were divided into various divisions as they trained in various parts of the camp, and his eyes then settled on those legendary and mighty beasts in the distance who trained at their own pace. The so-called war elephants. The fear of Essos and perhaps even of Westeros, considering that the stories say that no warhorse in Westeros can beat them.

When he reached the main tent, Rhaegar saw men with spears and shields guarding it. As he got off his horse, he approached them, and they let him pass.

The inside of the tent was very large, with low tables at the sides, cushions, and further towards the back, there was a group of men around a table.

As he approached, he heard someone say, "Well, well, well. I see there's a true Valyrian in my camp."

And Rhaegar saw a man, tall with short, dark hair, a short, dark beard and eyes of a dark purple, almost black, a trait that some Valyrians possessed, including him. He wore a chainmail, with golden armbands, and a golden iron belt, while suppressing it he wore a gold and black cape.

As he lifted up from the table on which he was leaning, the man crossed his arms in front of his chest, and asked intimidatingly, "What is your name, Valyrian?".

"I think you know my name, sellsword," replied Rhaegar, not at all intimidated by him.

"Indeed, I know," replied the man grinning. "You are Rhaegar, son of Aerys of House Targaryen, heir to the Dragon's Castle."

"Yes, I am," said Rhaegar, never taking his hand off his sword, Blackfire.

"I suppose that's the famous sword Blackfire. The sword of kings. Wielded by Aegon the Dragon during his conquest," said the soldier.

"I see you know my family's history," replied Rhaegar, as he approached the table, followed by his men, and those who were around the table backed back a bit to make room for him.

"As well as your downfall," he replied, smirking. "My name is Aegor Targaryen, son of Haegon Targaryen, who sadly died in his sleep some years ago- I'm the commander of this Company."

"My condolences," replied Rhaegar, even though it wasn't. He was sure that Aegor was behind Haegon's death, and that might be one less reason to trust him.

"This is Ser Harry Strickland," said Aegor, pointing to a man with dark blond hair, shaved and wearing a light brown tunic, "a knight exiled from Westeros, though I don't remember from which kingdom, and he won't tell me." Rhaegar nodded in greeting.

Then after the Commander of the sellsword company offered him a goblet of wine and signalled to follow him, he asked, "Why are you here, Rhaegar Targaryen?"

"To hire you in the name of the North, King Jon of House Stark and my sister, Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen."

"Ah, yes. The famous Lady of Dragon Castle. From the icy North to the arid lands of Essos is sung of her beauty, and some voices even say she is the most beautiful woman in Westeros, and the only true and pure Valyrian."

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