A Dangerous Game

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In the south...

Castely Rock...

Gerion Lannister POV

Gerion was heading to the council room for a very important meeting before leaving for Castamere. He hadn't held Myrcella in his arms for a long time and he missed her.

As he entered, he saw that the members were not there yet, and only the King was there, who was writing something.

"Good morning, Your Grace," Gerion greeted him.

"Gerion. There's no need to use the title when the other members aren't here."

Sitting down, he said, "It seems I came too early."

"Yes, but they'll be here soon," said his grandfather, the King, putting down his feather. "But before they come here, I want to talk with you."

"About what?

"About the next war. When Edmure Tully will march North with his army, we will invade the Riverlands and you will have the command of the army."

"Me?" Asked Gerion, swallowing.

"Yes. It's time for the men to see you in the field. Let the lords know that the future king of the Rock can lead them. And especially the enemy needs to know that you are strong and not weak," said his grandfather, taking a sip of wine. "Your father was only 16 when he fought his first battle. He charged through the breach of Castamere with his sword in hand and faced the red lion."

"What if I fail?" asked Gerion afraid of this task and, especially, to fail his grandfather. Because he knows what happens when the Great Tywin Lannister is disappointed.

"You won't. You're a Lannister. And Lannisters don't fail, never. However, you will have Daven, Kevan, and The Mountain with you."

"I won't let you down," said Gerion looking at his grandfather.

"I know. There is a gift waiting for you in your chambers. And before departing for the Riverlands, you will go to Castamere and spent all the time with your wife. You need a Son to secure the crown for another generation."

Gerion smiled, and they saw the members of the Small Council enter. Except, of course, his uncle, the Hand of the King. They bowed and sat down.

Clearing his throat, his grandfather said, "Welcome, my lords. Let us begin."

And they all turned their attention to the king. "As you have already heard, Prince Jaime has conquered Highgarden, and soon will send the last members of House Tyrell to Castely Rock; Old Oak is ours too, and we will name the current commander as lord of that castle, to whom we will give the lady of the castle in marriage; the Hightower army was defeated, and the commanders captured."

"But not Ser Baelor, Your Grace," said Lord Varys.

"No. And it's up to you to find out where he is," said the King, and Lord Varys nodded. "Now what else happens in the courts of other kingdoms?"

"King Harrold Hardyng hasn't been doing so well lately. While on his way to meet the Mountain Clans, he was attacked by rebels, and wounded, but not deadly."

"Any word from Lysa Arryn?"

"She is at Riverrun, Your Grace," Baelish said. "She is there to ask the help of her brother, King Edmure to take back the Throne."

"Good. The brother soon will march North, and we will attack his kingdom. Once Riverrun will be ours, you will take her prisoner," the King said to him, and Gerion nodded. Even though that was a lie. He had no intention to deliver that madwoman to his grandfather. He will kill her and the brat that is Baelish bastard.

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