The Wall

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Before you start a big WARNING!!!!

In this chapter, in the first part of Jon POV, he will not be so honourable as we know him.
So I want to warn you that they may be stuff that not everyone likes.



In the North...

Robb POV

Robb and his army were marching at a forced pace towards the Wall. He divided his army into three parts, taking the cavalry with him, wanting to get there as soon as possible. Now in the distance, he saw the Wildlings attacking from the southern side of the Wall, the Castle Black. But what was worse was that it began to rain with the snow, and that was a bad omen.

And as he drew his sword, he began to charge with his cavalry, and Grey Wind at his side. The enemy was just over a hundred. When he managed to defeat them, the survivors surrendered, but then he heard calling for help from the inside of the Castle and Robb knew that the Wildlings had managed to get through the Gate in the Wall.

When they opened the southern Gate of Castle Black, Robb, Grey Wind, and some men immediately entered, cutting the Wildlings, right and left, but then he saw a giant coming from the tunnel in the Wall. Screaming. Robb knew that if he didn't take him down, many of his men would die.

" Spear!" Robb shouted at one of his men, and taking it, he charged at the Giant at full speed, hitting him in the chest, and knocking him down to the ground, however, he fell too. He rose quickly and drew his sword out, giving the Giant the final blow.

Looking towards the tunnel, he saw several Wildlings coming. Taking a shield from the ground and turning to his men, he shouted "Shield Wall!" Taking the formation they entered the tunnel and the enemies crashed into their shields and stabbed themselves into their swords and spears. " Forward!" And at a slow pace, they advanced until they almost reached the outside. Lowering his shield down a bit, Robb saw that the Wildlings were retreating into the forest.

"Retreat!" Robb shouted, retreating to Castle Black. When he left the formation and turned to some men, he said, "Block the entrance."

While he was checking the wounded, Robb heard him call in a powerful voice "Boy!" and knew it was GreatJon.

"Lord Umber," Robb greeted him, clasping his forearm. "So, how is the situation, my lord?"

"A real hell. They still have men in their camp, and a dozen or so, giants I think. But I see you killed a giant. So there is still hope"

"Yes, but at dawn, we'll have to attack again to bend them, and catch Mance Raider."

"Commander!" Robb heard someone call him and turned around, "We took the leader who led the charge from the southern part. He's a big man." And they immediately went to see him. When they arrived, the Maester of Castel Black, Aemon Targaryen was treating him. In fact, he was a very big man, with a beard and red hair, in chains.

"Who are you?"

He tried to get up with difficulty and replied, "I'm Tormund Giantsbane."

"How many of you are left, Tormund."

"More than a hundred thousand, and we'll be able to get through. You don't have the numbers to stop us."

"Maybe. Why are you fleeing South, Tormund?"

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