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Ellyn Reyne POV

Ellyn was sitting in the garden of Castamere, her father's house, from which, it was possible to see the Sea of Sunset, and the rising of the sun in the distance.

Castamere wasn't big as Castely Rock but still a great Castel with a lot of rooms under it, and this garden, despite being a small one it was pleasant.

It had been almost three weeks since she last received news from Jaime, and the only thing she knew of was what the imp, his brother, informed her because the messengers were sent to the court, and she wasn't there because she didn't want to see the king and stay there when Jaime wasn't.

She could not help but admit that this worried her, in fact, every time Jaime left for a war she was worried to lose him. And at the thought of losing him, Ellyn didn't even want to think about it.

Yet, there was a time when she hated him so much and was indifferent to his death, but now she wanted him back in her arms, and so he can hold her and kiss her, and make love.

Caressing her belly, which was growing, Ellyn heard "My lady. May I join you?" and turning around she saw that it was Myrcella all smiling, wearing a dark long dress and loose hair. Truly a beauty, just like her mother, though there was also a resemblance to the great deer in her. And since her son went to the capital, they only remained.

"Of course. Sit next to me," Ellyn replied, waving towards the other chair next to her.

"It is a magnificent sight, Your Grace," said Myrcella. "As well as is the garden."

"Yes. It's not as big as the one in Castely Rock or in any of the other castles in Westeros, but it's pleasant," Ellyn replied. Since she was a child, she loved this garden, and remembering those moments she spent with her father, here, they brought tears to her eyes, and she immediately wiped them away with her hand. She was the red lioness, and future queen of the Kingdom of the Rock, she can't show weakness.

"Your Grace, are you all right?" Myrcella asked concerned.

"Yes, just old memories returning," she smiled, "you don't need to call me Your Grace, Myrcella. I'm not the queen yet. You may call me Lady Ellyn if you like, or mother, even though I know you already have a mother. A great mother."

"Did you know my mother?" Myrcella asked, curiously enough.

"Yes. In my youth, the lioness of Castely Rock and I were very close friends, and for a short time, I was her lady in waiting. You know, she was called the Light of the West, and she was considered the most beautiful girl in Westeros, by the Bards and almost by every lord. And everyone was surprised when the king married her to the Prince of Storm's End, your father." She also remembered how the lioness wept and begged her father not to send her to the other kingdom, but the king would not listen."

"Was it the distance that caused the end of your friendship?"

"No, it was another reason," she said, sipping from the cup. She did not want to tell Myrcella that truth, for she did not know how much she knew about that story, and she wouldn't want that to shock her, or worse.

"Is it because of my Uncle Jaime?" she asked, and Ellyn understood that the princess knew more than she thought she did, and consequently perhaps the truth about her brother, Joffrey, and this was a great danger for her future.

"Yes. How much do you know about that story, Myrcella?" Ellyn asked, placing the goblet on the coffee table nearby.

"Only rumours," she answered, looking down. "Is it true that Joffrey is my uncle's son, and not my father's, the king?" And here comes the truth.

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