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In the North...

Moat Cailin...

Different POVs

All those who were still alive from the Riverlands army were in chains in enclosures made outside the fortress walls with many soldiers standing guard. According to their accounts, slightly more than ten thousand men had survived, although their conditions were not of the best. There were numerous knights from the most important families of those lands, and besides them, there was also the king, so Jon was sure that he will be able to demand a high ransom for them.

And now he went to the most valuable man in the army, to discuss the reasons why he came here, and especially to show him his sister who was being brought here by Daenerys and the guards.

Upon entering the room that was assigned to him and which also serves as his prison because there were no large windows from which he could escape, Jon saw the King sitting on the floor, knees to his chest and somewhat shaking. He had been almost completely undressed, leaving only his scrubs and pants on. On his wrists and ankles, there were chains, instead.

Grabbing a chair that was there, Jon sat down, and with his legs crossed, and hands intertwined, he went straight to the point without twisting words, "Why did you march on the North, King Edmure?"

"For my sister," the man replied, stammering, but not looking up at him.

"For your sister, you say, eh? Didn't you do it for your daughter? With the hope of putting her on the northern throne?" asked Jon, setting down his foot, and with the elbows on his legs, he leaned forward, and apparently, this question caught the trout's attention. "What is it, King Tully? Did you really think I would never found out?"

The King of the Riverlands, rising with great effort, said through clenched and angry teeth, "If you have touched her-"

"What are you going to do?" chuckled Jon standing up, before pushing the man to the ground, and pressing him down with his knee, Jon leaned down, saying, "You brought twenty-five thousand men to the slaughter for nothing. You didn't free your sister. You didn't save your bastard daughter. And you didn't capture me."

Getting up, Jon stood back for a moment, and looking toward the small window that showed the sky and the dragon flying out there, he said, "You know, when I was a child I imagined being another kind of king. I wanted to be a good king, a just and honorable king. Peaceful even. But the world didn't agree with that kind of king. To be able to defend my kingdom and those I love the most I had to become someone else. I had to become something else. Cruel and ruthless."

"Where is she?"

"You know. Your invasion gave me the perfect excuse to extend my borders south and now I have full control of the entrance to the Kingsroad and the Twins."

"Where is she?" asked Tully again, looking at him crookedly, but before he could answer they hear the door open and Daenerys with SmallJon, enter with a chained, frightened, and confused Catelyn Tully.

"Oh, there's my queen who brought your sister," Jon said, approaching Daenerys, and kissing her passionately, before turning to Tully and saying. "Know that everything that happened to her is because she tried to play with the wrong bastard, who was far more dangerous than me."

With that, he took Daenerys by the hand and left the room, but once outside, he said, "I want trusted guards standing outside it."

SmallJon nodded, walking away, as they began to head towards their rooms assigned by Maegor.


Edmure was stunned, motionless, and speechless at seeing his sister in that state. She no longer looked like the woman of a few months ago when they met secretly in White Harbor. Now she looked like an empty shell, a ghost. Her skin was marked with what looked like scars. Her eyes were no longer bright, but almost soulless. And her reddish hair, once thick and beautiful, was now a mess and he could see the glimpse of a few white strands.

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