The Lion and the Stag

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In the south...

Gerion Lannister POV

Today was his wedding day, and Gerion was very nervous. But not for the day itself, but because a new chapter in his life will begin. And he was looking forward to the night, to finally come true what he had wanted since he met her. He didn't like it that some lords, and other members of the court, will watch him while he consumes the marriage, but his grandfather was adamant about that, despite his mother's firm protests about it. He was sure that she was the only one in this world who openly challenged him, and he didn't know if it was because she wasn't afraid of him, or because being married to the heir to the throne gave her security.

Now before heading to the great temple for the ceremony, his grandfather, King Tywin asked him to meet him in his study.

Upon entering, he saw him while he was reading some dispatches.

"You wanted to see me, Your Grace?" Gerion asked, using the title.

"Yes. Come in and sit down."

"We must go to the temple. The wedding..."

"The wedding can wait a bit longer," his grandfather cut him, and Gerion went inside, and then sat down. "I've called you here to let you know about the news we've received." And he gave him a letter.

"Your grace,

as by your instructions, the chaos at the border between Dorne and The Reach has unleashed and the two armies have clashed. Garlan Tyrell and Olyvar Martell have fallen, while the Tyrell army has been slaughtered by our allies.


"So, soon the invasion will take place, right?" Gerion asked, handing back the dispatch.

"Yes. Within two days, your Father will mobilize the army to march on Goldengrove," said his grandfather, looking towards him, "The sellsword I hired from Essos, with a six-month contract, are conquering the Shield Islands, and the watchtowers as we are talking, while our fleet with the new troops will depart to land on the coasts of The Reach and march on Highgarden."

"And this will only happen if Goldengrove falls and the sellswords companies keep to the contract."

"They won't. They are paid a lot. And I sent an envoy to Dragonstone to make King Godfrey bend the knee and bring him and his ten thousand men to our side."

"What about the Vale and The Riverlands?"

"I'm waiting for Hoster Tully to die and his idiot brother to march on the North. I haven't received anything for the Vale yet."

"We both know, Your Grace, that the Lords of the Vale, even though Robin Arryn is not the son of the king, will not kneel to you, and the Bloody Gates are impregnable."

"Nothing is impregnable, Gerion, you must know that. But that' s why I'm going to leave it behind. First I want to conquer the Southern Kingdoms."

"And Dorne?" asked Gerion.

"Dorne is ruled by a woman who thinks she knows how to do it. Soon it will also come to its end when we are finished with The Reach."

" You know Joffrey's gonna be a problem in the Stormlands, right? He' s up to something. I can feel it. He's smarter than he looks."

" Madder, yes. Not smarter. And yes, I already have a plan for him. But now let's go, it' s time for the wedding. Your gift awaits you in your rooms, by the way."

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