Tears of Death

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A great thank you for suggesting this title to  @Drinor7


In the south...Two weeks before...


Different POV

Despite the great pain he felt in his body, Jaime decided to get on his horse and watch Highgarden fall.

And now he could see, his army passing the first walls of the destroyed city, and in the distance screams and blows of the battering ram in the distance.

"The city will soon fall into our hands," said Crakehall, who in the meantime came to his side.

"That is only the second level Lord Crakehall. There's another level to conquer. The main one and beyond that is the palace," said Jaime, not with such optimism, but aware that the city will be theirs before darkness falls.

"We'll make it," said the Lord.

"Who's leading the attack?" asked Jaime, intrigued and even a little jealous.

"Ser Harys Swyft," replied Crakehall, and Jaime nodded, though he would have preferred it was he who led the charge to take the city. Watching the lees assault her brings back memories of his first time when he was sixteen years old and conquered Castamere. The duel with the Red Lion was one of the toughest fights he had ever had.

Bringing his attention back to the present, Jaime was grateful that the Hightower army was defeated in the south, otherwise they would have had to watch their backs from the enemy in case of an attack.

And the precious prisoners will give him a way to bring Old Town to its knees without bloodshed. But first Highgarden.


"The doors are about to break!" shouted Arys Oakheart, a member of the Kingsguard who was on the battlefield with him.

And Willas saw the men keep trying to reinforce the gates, even though the wood was crumbling.

The men on the walls were falling under the arrows of the enemy, and he knew that the only thing to do was to retreat to the first level, where the keep was, and then leave the city.

"We must fall back to the Keep, "Willas said. And they sounded the horn of retreat, with all the men abandoning the walls and the gate, while the enemy climbed up the wall thanks to the stairs.


"They are at the gates of the palace!" shouted a soldier running into the great hall, and those present all started fidgeting like frightened sheep, running away fast, but she didn't. The Queen of Thorns had no intention of running away. She wasn't a frightened sheep running away from the raging lions.

As those present were leaving the room, Ollena saw Ser Gerold Hightower, the White Bull, and Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and a knight old as her, but still in his best shape, coming at her through the people.

"So Ser Gerold, is everything ready to take the King and the Princes to safety?" she asked as she made her way to the throne, on which she had not sat for years.

"Yes, Your Grace, but Prince Willas is not yet in the palace, but at the main gate holding the defense."

Stubborn boy and inexperienced, Ollena thought before turning his attention back to the White Bull, "Send someone to take him away and leave town. But I want you to swear that one day you will go to the Stormlands and save my granddaughter from the grips of the Stag."

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