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In the South...


Oberyn Martell POV

Oberyn and his men retreat to Lemonwood leaving Planky Town to the enemy. Now that they landed Oberyn decide to use the guerrilla strategy against them.

The Dothraki will strike the towns, villages and the castles that are more vulnerable to them. But what worried him the most was Sunspear. He had the bad feeling that the Dothraki will head straight to Sunspear.

"Ser Denzel. Send a raven to Sunspear and inform them that the enemy landed," Oberyn said, before heading to his men, and get them ready for future assaults against the enemy.

"Ser Aron, Ser Andrey, Lord Gargalen, from now on we will divide our forces into small groups and attack the enemy by surprise. I want that every man has their weapons drained in poison as well as their pointy arrows. The enemy has the number, we have the cunning and the surprise."

"Any news from the north?" asked one of the soldiers, then another, "Will the King in the north came to help us against the Dothraki." And many more murmurs were among them.

"Silence!" shouted Oberyn, bringing them to order. "I know what you think, and I know the stories you have heard. But even if the King in the North does not come to our aid against the Dothraki, I promise you that Dorne will survive."

After giving them a look of encouragement, Oberyn returned his attention in getting ready the men. Soon they will put in motion their plan.


Tyrion Lannister POV

The Dothraki pillaged everything that was in the Planky Town and killing those who were still wounded or enslaving and reaping those who were left behind.

"Well, those fuckers know how to fight against unarmed people, but when they will face trained soldiers? What those naked cunts are going to do?" asked Bronn as they were walking through the destruction to go and speak with the Khal since they have been summoned.

"Well, there is no other way but to find out," Tyrion replied.

Once they reached the place where the Khal was sitting, with his Bloodriders near him, Tyrion asked, "What is it?" And one to the Magisters from Volantis translated to the Khal.

"The Khal wants to know where the silver-haired woman from the white desolation is."

"Tell the Khal that the Targaryen girl is in the North but to reach that land he first needs to conquer this one in our name," Tyrion said, daring to be more bolder, and the Magister immediately translated to the Khal, who started to be a bit restless and angry.

"I don't think he liked that," said Bronn, and Tyrion glanced up at him, seeing that he had the hand on the handle of the sword, ready to intervene.

The Khal got up immediately, starting to shoot words in an angry way and make also gestures with the arms, as the Dothraki were cheering for him. Tyrion immediately looked at the Magister in search of an answer, but he didn't have the courage to do open his mouth.

"Well, the situation is getting a little heated, it seems," said the sellsword.

Looking at him in furry, the Khal started to say words, and the Magister immediately started to translate, "Khal Drogo doesn't want to wait and assist your little scribbles for and Iron Chairs and lands. He wants the girl now."

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