.: The Event :.

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»There are phases where I smoke so much weed, I don't even know who I am anymore.
There are phases where I sleep so little, I can't even stand up properly anymore.
There are phases where I think that my friends don't see anything in me.
There are phases where I'm close to losing myself.«

The bus stopped and the Warriors walked towards the arena.
Klay and Steph walked in the locker room together and they walked out together after changing.
The atmosphere in the arena was great. Everybody was excited about the game.

The game went down, the gods were on the side of the Warriors.
For a brief moment, it didn't look too good for the Warriors, but they came back very strong.
The 4th quarter came around, the Warriors stayed strong.
And then, the game was over, the Warriors had won the game.
Steph walked around to high-five his teammates.
LeBron James walked past him a couple of times before the taller man stopped right next to Steph.
And since LeBron didn't want to be a salty sore loser, he went in for a "Congratulations"-hug with Steph.

The euphoria was still flowing through Steph's veins.
LeBron slowly began to pull away from Steph.
Right before their heads weren't next to each other anymore, Steph leaned back in and kissed the taller man.
A collective "Oh!"-Sound went through the arena, it was like that triggered the time to freeze.
Steph's hand slowly slid down from LeBron's neck, letting the taller man go.
LeBron smiled at Steph before he walked back to his team.
Klay stood there, his jaw had dropped.

Steph grinned while biting on his mouthpiece.
"What? C'mon, pick up your jaw Klay, ain't no biggie", Steph said before he walked towards the locker room of his team.
On their way home, Klay couldn't stop asking Steph why he had done what he had done.
And Steph only said that he didn't know.
"Seriously Klay, I don't know. I did it because I wanted to at that moment", Steph said.
Suddenly his phone buzzed.
He had gotten a message from an unknown number.
"Hello, golden boy! LeBron here! Thought we could hang out tomorrow at noon. Would be sweet if yes", that was the message. Steph read it out loud so that Klay didn't have to stare on the screen of Steph's phone while driving.
"Holy crap! Steph, if he's serious you might not die alone", Klay joked and Steph pretended to be offended.
"Nah, I wouldn't let my favorite light-skinned man die alone", Klay said, jokingly punching Steph's shoulder.

Klay dropped Steph off at his house before he drove back home to his wife and kids.
Steph took a long warm shower and got ready for the night.
He texted LeBron, explaining to him that he didn't know why he kissed him.
LeBron said, that he wasn't mad or anything.

March 17th, 12 pm.
Steph took a shower, brushed his teeth and put on a nice outfit.
He quickly made his way to the Café, where he wanted to meet up with LeBron.
The two men hugged each other.
"What's up, dude?", LeBron asked.
"Nothin', really. How about you?", he asked, his anxiety was going through the roof.
"Well, my team lost the game last night, but yeah", LeBron said, hoping the comment would make the younger one smile.
Steph chuckled. "Heh, that was a good one. Well, had to do it to 'em, am I right?", Steph said and LeBron chuckled as well.
The two immediately had a great chemistry going on between them.

After they both had spent quite a while at the Café, LeBron suggested going home to Steph.
A lot of talking happened, Steph showed LeBron his room because he didn't want to show him his entire place yet.
"That was difficult, but I'm glad that I did it. But tell me, why didn't you tell me about your coming out yet?", Steph asked.
LeBron cleared his throat before he answered: "Well, the reason why I didn't tell you about my coming out yet is that I didn't have one. I'm not out yet. And I'm afraid, that that kiss might have outed me. I do know that you went in for it, but I don't know how the others saw it."
Steph nodded.

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