.: Exciting dream :.

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»I watch her leave,
one wrong word made her upset.
Who's supposed to understand this woman?
Everything's fine,
as long as she gets everything she wants.
You have no say in this,
she's the boss.
Doesn't take that long for her to be inside of your head.«

Tuesday night, 3 am.
Steph woke up, for the second time in this night.
LeBron was sleeping tight, he was even snoring.

But Steph couldn't fall asleep.
The dream he just had felt too real.

Heavy breathing filled the air.
Steph couldn't believe it, yet again. He couldn't believe a lot of things lately.
How did he end up marrying LeBron "THE King" James? And how, how on earth, did he get into the house without LeBron noticing that he had brought another man home?
Anyway, Steph couldn't really tell how he ended up here with Shaun, who was kissing him passionately.

The two men were in the living room, which was quite dangerous since the bedroom where LeBron was sleeping was really close to them.
Steph continued to kiss the life out of Shaun, who was already getting hard.
Shaun's left hand slipped under Steph's jersey, slowly massaging his nipple.
"Mmm~", Steph moaned while Shaun slowly kissed his jaw and went down from there.
The blue jersey dropped to the ground, exposing Steph's muscular body.
Shaun continued to kiss down on Steph's body until he arrived at his crotch.
"Please, Shaun. Please", Steph whispered, desperately bucking his hips into the air.

"What do you want me to do, Steph?", Shaun asked with a smirk on his lips.
"Please t-touch me", Steph mumbled.
Shaun pulled Steph's basketball pants off, causing Steph's length to slap against his stomach.
The other man hissed at the cold air hitting his dick, but he moaned as Shaun wrapped his lips around it.
The warmth made Steph curl his toes.
Shaun's tongue swirled around the tip of Steph's length, it was already leaking pre-cum.
"Good god, I'm n-not going to l-last", Steph moaned before he spilled his load into Shaun's mouth.

The two men undressed quickly before they went back to making out again, both of their dicks painfully erected.
"Do you want to be top or bottom?", Steph asked while he looked into Shaun's eyes.
"I'd actually like you to ride me if that's okay", Shaun said and Steph nodded excitedly.
After Shaun had pulled a condom over his girth, Steph slowly sank down onto the hot sex.
"Grr~", Steph moaned while resting his head on Shaun's shoulder.
But a few thrusts from the other man made the two time MVP jump back up, slowly moving up and down.
"Good lord, that's the spot", Steph moaned as Shaun pressed him onto his dick.
Then the older man pulled way out before he rammed all the way back in, causing Steph to see stars.

"My goodness, Shaun!", Steph moaned, throwing his head back while white ribbons of cum shot out of his dick onto Shaun's stomach.
They both needed to catch their breath for a bit before Steph got up and Shaun's limp dick slid out of his hole.
"Do you want to do this again?", Steph asked a big grin on his lips.
Shaun grinned as well. "Yeah, but at my house", he said and Steph nodded in agreement.

Steph was completely flushed.
Him thinking about that dream turned him on.
A moan escaped his throat while he let his hand palm his dick through his boxers.
Slightly annoyed about the fact that he'd have to jerk off in the bathroom now to not wake LeBron up, Steph got up and went to the bathroom.

11 am.
Steph and Klay were at the gym, crushing their workout.
After that, the two went back to their houses and took a shower.
Back together again, Steph suggested that they should go and drink a smoothie at that neat little smoothie bar that Klay once showed to Steph.

"And I tell you, Klay, it felt so real", Steph said, telling his friend about his dream.
"Do you think that dream meant something? Like, should I divorce LeBron and get with Shaun instead?", Steph asked he was genuinely confused.
"Look Steph, I ain't tryna tell you who to be with now, but think wisely about it. Do what feels right to you, but be wise about it", Klay said and Steph nodded, taking a big sip of his smoothie.
"I don't know man, let us enjoy the bachelor party on Friday and I'll see about everything else", Steph said, ending the conversation about his dream and it's meaning.
The two chatted about a lot of things and Steph really felt like he hadn't been able to have these conversations because of everything that had been going on.

At 7 pm, the two men were walking back to Klay's car after a long walk through the local park.
After a short drive back to Klay's house, the two sat down on the couch and watched a series on Netflix.
"Hey umm, Klay?", Steph said, the other man turned his head to the side.
"Yeah?", Klay asked.
"I'm so glad that you're my friend, man", Steph said before he went in for a hug with Klay, who hugged back with all the love and appreciation he had for Steph.

Eventually, 9 pm came around.
Klay walked Steph to the front door.
"It was so nice hanging out with'chu, man", Steph said before he gave Klay a goodbye-hug.
"Yeah, I agree. I'll see you tomorrow, bro", Klay said, slowly letting go of his splash brother.
Steph entered his car and drove back home.
When he entered the bedroom after taking a shower, he saw that LeBron was already asleep in their bed, as Steph called it now. LeBron was rarely at his house anymore.

Steph laid down in the bed as well, careful to not wake up his husband.
While cuddling up with him, Steph fell asleep.

(Wortcount: 1000 words)

Eww, a chapter that sucks, eww!
I'm so sorry for this mess, but with all the exams going on right now, I'm stressed out as hell.
Anyway, I had a blast with writing this.

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