.: What's going on now? :.

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»I'm picking up my homie,
we're driving in an AMG.
It used to be weed,
nowadays it's just coke.«

Thursday, 9 am.
The week was almost over.
Since Steph and LeBron went at it last night, Steph was still a bit sore.
When he woke up, he didn't see LeBron anywhere.
"He probably went back home or something", Steph mumbled to himself before he walked into the bathroom.
After taking a quick shower, Steph dried himself with a fluffy white towel.
Steph looked at his reflection. There were bite marks on his chest and hickeys covered his neck.
His neck was also slightly bruised, which scared Steph a bit.

He quickly put on his workout-clothes, being a pair of shorts and a blue shirt.
While the two time MVP walked into his kitchen, he heard sounds coming from there.
"Ah, look who's awake", a deep voice spoke.
Steph looked away from his phone and towards the kitchen - it was LeBron. He hadn't left, to his surprise.
"Good morning", Steph mumbled, fear was arising in his chest.
LeBron was done with eating his cereal, he put the bowl in the washing machine.
Steph didn't feel that hungry anymore, all over sudden.
"And what did you plan on doing today?", LeBron asked the smaller man, who put his phone into his pocket.
"I-I planned on driving over to Klay's place, we both wanted to hit the gym today. Y'know, game time is on Friday and stuff", Steph said and LeBron nodded.
"Make sure to be back home at 4, I've got a little som' something for you", he said before he came closer to Steph.

The taller man wrapped his arms around Steph's waist, Steph could feel LeBron's warm breath on his neck.
"Mm, you smell delicious", LeBron whispered, causing Steph to get goosebumps.
"T-Thank you, bab- daddy", Steph breathed out, too afraid to not call LeBron 'daddy'.
"Yeah, that's more like it", LeBron growled while biting into Steph's earlobe.
The younger man tried to escape the tight grip of LeBron's arms, but he couldn't.
"C'mon, your workout can wait a few more minutes", LeBron spoke, but his voice didn't leave much room for it to be a choice.
"I-I actually promised Klay to be there a little earlier, because of his kids and stuff. I want to help him out a bit, y'know", Steph said.
LeBron raised his eyebrows at that. "But he got a wife. Isn't she around to help him?", LeBron asked Steph could tell that he didn't believe him.
"Well yeah, but I just want to be nice to a friend. Can't I do that?", Steph asked annoyed.

LeBron let the younger man go.
"Now you better be sorry for barking at me like that! Now go get out of my face or something will happen!", LeBron yelled before he left back to Steph's bedroom.
Steph sighed annoyed. Why did LeBron get that angry so quickly?
But the lighter man decided not to think about it for too long.
He left his house and entered his car.
The ride to Klay's house didn't take too long.

Steph exited his car and walked up the driveway to Klay's house.
It was 11:50 am now, which explained why Klay's kids weren't there.
The holidays had ended, as far as Steph remembered.
"Hey, what's up Klay?", Steph greeted his friend.
"I'm good, how about you?", Klay asked while Steph entered the house.
"I'm fine, yeah", Steph mumbled, it wasn't exactly true.
The two men sat down outside for a while before they made their way to the gym.
Steph tried to avoid a conversation with Klay but when Klay decided to finish off his workout with a game of basketball, Steph couldn't hold himself back.

Klay passed him the ball and - swish! - it flew right through the hoop.
"Steph, tell me, what is going on there between you and LeBron?", Klay asked while dribbling the ball with his left hand.
"I uhh, I- it's complicated right now", Steph mumbled before Klay passed him the ball.
His left hand shot the ball right into the hoop, it slid right through.
Klay sighed. "C'mon, let's go take a shower and then we'll go and drink something", Klay suggested, clearly not wanting to upset or anger Steph.
Klay dropped Steph off at his own house before he drove back to his own house.

Steph took a long shower, longer than he intended to.
The fluffy towel ran over Steph's wet skin when suddenly LeBron walked into the bathroom.
"Eh, what do you want?", Steph sighed annoyed while he wrapped the towel around his waist.
"Can't I just walk into the bathroom? I didn't do anything", LeBron said, trying to hide the anger that was in his voice.
"Eh- y-you can, you can and you didn't do anything", Steph said, deciding to not start an argument right now.
"Fine. I'll see you at 4, I'm gonna go now, appointments and stuff", LeBron said before he walked out of the bathroom.
Steph walked into the bedroom, put on some clothes and left the house.
While driving to Klay's place, he sent LeBron a voice message: "Hey man, I didn't mean to be so grumpy earlier. I'm a bit stressed right now, sorry."
It was almost 3 pm now, so Steph hurried up to get out of the car and to the front door of Klay's house.

"Hello Steph", Klay greeted the light-skinned man, who hugged him tightly.
"Hey man, you good?", Steph asked and Klay nodded.
"Where did you want to go with me?", Steph asked. "How about we go to that neat little smoothie bar downtown? It looked really nice when I drove past it the other day", Klay said and Steph smiled.
"Yeah, sounds good", he said.
"Tatyana, I'm out with Steph now! Gonna be back in a bit!", Klay yelled into the house and a loud "Okay, have fun!" came back from upstairs.
"Tatyana is doing our daughters' hair right now. Y'know, special stuff and all that jam", Klay said and Steph nodded.
The two entered Steph's car and drove downtown.

"It's there", Klay said after the two had driven around the town for a while.
It was pretty warm in California today, luckily the men were wearing shorts and shirts.
After the two had sat down inside the smoothie bar, Klay wanted to know what was going on between Steph and LeBron.
Steph sighed while taking a big sip of his green smoothie.
"The thing is-, I suppose that LeBron is taking his anger out on me. I mean, don't get me wrong, I once used sex as an outlet for my emotions too. But I never got violent or did anything that the other person didn't want", Steph said.
"Hmm", Klay said while taking a sip of his strawberry-raspberry smoothie.
"You better be careful, Steph", Klay said in a warning tone. "I seriously don't want you to get harmed or anything. You might end up being hurt by him, I don't want that to happen", he added, which caused Steph to raise his eyebrows.

"Klay, he isn't a fucking murderer, calm down. I'll be fine, maybe it's just the stress. All the games and stuff", Steph mumbled around the smoothie in his mouth.
"You don't sound really sure about that", Klay noticed but Steph sighed.
"Oh, would you cut it, Klay? He won't fucking kill me, okay? I'll be fine", Steph said while finishing his smoothie.
Klay finished his smoothie as well.
Steph looked at his phones' clock. "Oh shoot, it's 4 pm already", he muttered while walking out of the smoothie bar.
"I'll drop you off at your house now. It's been fun today with you, Klay", Steph said while he put on his seatbelt.

"I agree, it's been fun today", Klay said, putting on his seatbelt as well.
The rest of the car ride, the two men sat in silence before Steph pulled up in front of Klay's house.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the game, 'aight?", Steph said while Klay exited the car.
"Yep, see you tomorrow, man", Klay said before he waved at the lighter man.
While he walked away, Steph turned his car before he drove back to his own house.
Anxiously, the two time MVP exited his car.
His feet almost didn't want to move towards the house, but Steph made it there anyway.
The door swung open after Steph had opened it with his keys.

Steph looked around.
Where the hell was LeBron?


(Wortcount: 1430 words)

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