.: Phone call :.

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»So in love, Baby, I'm so in love.
Please, stay with me, because I can't go on without (oh, oh)
So in love, Baby, I'm so in love. (love)
Please, stay with me, because you promised it to me. (ey, ey, ey)
Green eyes, Ukrajin.
Kill me soft, do it silent.«

Tuesday, game day.
Steph wasn't really ready for the game against the Charlotte Hornets, but he definitely wanted to win it.
He didn't really know how to feel about everything that was going on right now.
But for now, he needed to concentrate on getting ready.

Practice with his teammates was good, causing Steph to be in a good mood.
Klay and Draymond had asked Steph to come and hang out with them after a shower at home and Steph had said yes.
After Steph was done with showering, LeBron informed him that he had gotten an appointment for the civil marriage in 3 weeks.
Steph honestly didn't know how to feel about that. He was happy, but he felt like something was a bit off.
But he decided that that wasn't going to ruin his day with Klay and Draymond.
"I'm out with Klay and Draymond now, I'll see you later", Steph said to his soon-to-be husband, before he left the house.
LeBron just nodded before he continued his preparations.
He wanted the marriage to happen as soon as possible, the whole hassle would finally be over then.
Little did Steph know, that the marriage was happening soon. Since LeBron had been planning this for quite a long while, everything seemed really close and pushed together now, but there were months of preparations behind everything.

"Ey man, how are you?", Draymond asked as he greeted Steph with a hug.
"I'm good, I'm good. What about you?", Steph asked back.
"I'm good as well. C'mon, let's drive over to Klay's place", Draymond said and the two entered Steph's car.
The two were pretty much silent for the whole car ride. Steph was so relieved as the engine stopped because he hated it to sit in silence and not being able to get away from the situation.
"Heyy boys! Y'all looking good!", Klay greeted his friends and teammates as they were walking up to his driveway.
"You look good yourself, lil cookie", Steph chuckled and Klay pretended to be offended.
He slightly boxed Steph against his arm. "Bro, we're both light skinned. I'd never insult you", Steph said and smiled at his best friend.
"Damn, y'all are the cheesiest toasties I've ever seen. C'mon let's go inside", Draymond said as he walked past the two other men.

"Now, when are you going to throw your bachelor party?", Draymond asked as the three sat down outside in the sun.
"I don't know, man. Soon, I guess? LeBron said, that the civil marriage is in three weeks. Therefore the church marriage can't be that far away", Steph answered before he took a sip of his coffee.
"You're going to invite me, right?", Klay asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, of course! Are you trippin', man? I'm definitely going to invite all of my friends on the team. Shaun Livingston, Kevin Durant, all of my bros", Steph said.
"Even the cute Swedish boy?", Draymond asked and Steph's left eyebrow went up.
"Man, are you trippin' or sumn? Maybe LeBron and I won't get married, it'll be you and Jonas Jerebko instead", Steph answered jokingly and Draymond pretended to be offended.

"Man, I see you looking at him all the time. You're so gone for Jerebko, bro", Klay said, jokingly blowing a kiss at Draymond.
"Y'all better don't mess with me. My bisexual ass can take you two out", Draymond said while crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"Maybe you'll catch us outside, but you're indeed so gone for that lil Swedish boy", Steph said as he finished drinking his cup of coffee.
Draymond didn't say anything, he took a sip of his glass of water instead.
"Dray, we're not making fun of you if you're actually crushing on Jonas. We lowkey think you two are cute together", Klay said and he could see the panic in Draymond's eyes fade away.

"Did y'all know I'm bi or why aren't y'all acting all surprised?", Draymond asked.
Steph cleared his throat before he said: "I don't know about Klay, but I kind of had a feeling that you like men as well. It only got clearer after you broke up with your girlfriend and you didn't want to tell us the reason. My gaydar is pretty good, right?"
Klay laughed. "Your what now?", he asked while laughing.
"My gaydar. Y'know, as in gay radar. I kind of have a feeling for other bi's and gay's out there", Steph said, he was lowkey proud.
"Guess your gaydar is excellent then", Draymond said, a smile of relief on his lips.
"Dray, we're your bros. No matter what. I didn't know, but I'm happy that you said it so openly. Our homeboy Steph over here had his troubles with that", Klay said.
"Yes, that's true", Steph confirmed.

The afternoon came and Steph had to go back home.
His brother had tried to call him while he was swimming in Klay's pool, so he wanted to know why Seth had tried to call him.
After he had dropped Draymond off at his house, he drove back home.

"Hey babe, I'm back!", Steph said as he entered his house.
"Hello darling", LeBron said, he did not sound too happy. Maybe he was just stressed out about the marriage preparations. Steph made his way to his bedroom, where he sat down on the bed.
Steph pulled his phone out of his pocket.
He called his brother.

"Hey, Seth!", Steph greeted his younger brother over the line.
"Hello, Steph! Man, I'm so glad that you're calling back", Seth said.
"Yeah. Okay, what did you want to tell me?", Steph asked.
"Is the church marriage already set?", Seth asked the sudden change of the tone in his voice confused Steph.
"No, but I think it'll be set soon", Steph answered.
"Okay, because I need to make sure that I've got something nice to wear until then. Just let me know the date as soon as you know it", Seth said.
"Yeah, I'll do that. Bye, little bro", Steph said. "Bye Steph", Seth said before hanging up.

Steph was very excited for the game, which he had to leave for now.
LeBron gave him a kiss before they exited the car.
"You'll score high numbers tonight, babe", LeBron said and Steph nodded.

"I definitely will", he thought while entering the arena, ready to put his game face on.

(Wortcount: 1116 words)

Idk how to feel about this chapter, man.
But heyyy, our favorite boy Draymond got in! And Jonas Jerebko too!
Do Draymond and Jonas become a couple? We will never know!
I'ma go now, my iPad's dying.

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