.: Please have mercy! :.

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»I won't be coming home tonight.
Babe, you don't have to wait for me.
I don't take enough breaks.
You don't need to tell me that.«

A day after the wedding - 9 am.

Cold water ran over Shaun Livingston's back.
His thoughts were racing, his mind felt fuzzy and all he could think about was what he had heard at the wedding party.
While drying off his wet body, Shaun thought about how he wanted to confront LeBron.
He needed to do it, no question.
But he still didn't know how.

The leather belt made an ugly sound as it hit Steph's butt cheeks.
"12...13!", Steph counted, he was done.
LeBron put his belt back on before he bent down and grabbed Steph's chin.
"What did we learn?", he asked, even though it wasn't a question.
"I have to be a good boy for daddy every single day, no matter where we are", Steph said, he was so ready to leave for practice.
"Good, good. Now get out of my face", LeBron said before he stood up straight, pet Steph's head and left the room.
Steph quickly took a shower, before he left off for practice.

After practice was over, Shaun Livingston jogged up to Steph.
"Hey, Steph! Wait!", he shouted as he saw that Steph was about to enter his car.
Steph closed the door and waited for Shaun to reach him.
"Yeah?", Steph asked after the taller light-skinned man had reached him.
"I- I wanted to ask if I could come and visit you later. Is that okay for you?", Shaun asked, his heart was hammering against his ribs.
"Yeah, sure. I'll see you later", Steph said before he flashed a smile and entered his car.
Shaun smiled before he walked to his car and drove back home as well.

15 minutes - that's how much time Steph had spent in the shower.
After blow-drying his hair and drying himself off with a fluffy white towel, he put on some more comfortable clothes.
When 1:10 pm came around, Steph heard the doorbell ring.
"Hey Sha-", Steph began as he was opening the door.
Instead of Shaun, LeBron stood in front of him.
"I forgot my keys, sorry", LeBron mumbled, shoving Steph out of the way.
The smaller man bumped against the wall.
"Ugh", Steph groaned, "I'm so done. He better not be up to some bullcrap again."

He was about to close the door, but a tall frame in the corner of his eye stopped him from doing so.
"Steph", Shaun whispered.
Steph opened the door again so that Shaun could enter the house.
"LeBron!", Shaun shouted.
Fear started to spread out inside of Steph's veins. He quickly ran up to the taller man, grabbed his arm and asked: "Bro, what the fuck are you tryna do here?"
Shaun pulled his arm out of Steph's grip, responding calmly with: "I'm going to ask him why he treats you like crap."
LeBron walked into the living room. "Yeah? Someone said my name."

"Hi, Shaun's here", Steph said, trying to hold back his submissiveness.
Shaun came closer to LeBron.
"I happened to witness your conversation with Steph on your wedding party, and you seriously need to stop treating him like trash! Steph has feelings and emotions, the things you did to him left him scarred!", Shaun said, he was so angry.
Angry because Steph hadn't told him about what was going on, angry at LeBron for treating Steph like trash and angry at himself for not saving his Steph out of this bad situation.
LeBron smiled. It wasn't a happy nor a genuine smile, it was an evil grin.

"Huh, did Mr. Livingston decide to play the hero in all of this and step up to me, lecture me about my behavior and then what? Are you going to fight against me now or how is this supposed to go down? By the way, eavesdropping isn't the finest thing of you to do, Shaun", LeBron spat, anger started to flame up in his eyes.
Steph stumbled backward and fell onto the sofa.
LeBron's big hands held Shaun's shoulders. Suddenly, Shaun felt the ground under his feet disappear.
"Now, what did you want to tell me again? I'm listening", LeBron said, clearly not expecting Shaun to say anything.
"Let him go!", Steph shouted all over sudden, he even jumped off the sofa.

"Stop treating my Steph like crap, you idiot!", Shaun yelled before he punched LeBron with his left hand.
It didn't really hurt LeBron nor did it make his nose bleed, but it surprised him enough to let Shaun go.
Steph immediately ran to Shaun, helped him stand up and... showered him with kisses.
"Oh, c'mon now! Steph, I warned you about cheating, but doing it in front of me isn't that intelligent of you!", LeBron said he could puke. Anger dared to rip his muscles apart.
"I love you, Shaun", Steph said, his face was tear-stained and his eyes were red.
Shaun smiled softly. "I love you, too."

"You're really ending it like that, huh? You can't! We just got married! We just got married! The newspapers, it was everywhere! Damn you, Steph! Filthy little bitch!", LeBron spat before he threw his wedding ring on the ground.
He walked into Steph's bedroom, packed the few things he had put into Steph's closet and left the house.
"I'm going to portray you as the bad one here! You had an affair, I didn't know shit, he came in one day and then I found out! You're going to be the bad guy in this, Steph!", LeBron yelled before he closed the door.
Well, he wasn't really closing it - he was rather destroying it.

After Steph heard LeBron drive away in his car, he laughed happily.
Relief felt so good.
"I'm so happy that you came and helped me. I don't know if I would've been able to live with him any longer.
The whole relationship was a devils loophole, plus my traumatic experiences didn't make it any easier.
I loved him, but only when my submissive persona was there. He gave me something when he wasn't angry.
But LeBron also took something from me, when he was angry. What he left me with are trust issues and something similar to Stockholm syndrome. Hopefully, the therapy sessions will help with that.
Ah, I'm so happy that all of this is over now", Steph said before he kissed Shaun again.

"I'm so glad you're alright now. I love you", Shaun said, a small smile appeared on his lips.
The two men let go of each other.
"C'mon, let's spend the rest of the day at my house", Shaun suggested and Steph nodded.
While chatting a bit, the two made their way to Shaun's grey car.

Steph was going to heal from this.
He desperately hoped so.

(Wortcount: 1150 words)

Ooofff, even though I'm on vacation I don't seem to be able to get a decent chapter done.
Hopefully, you all enjoyed this chapter regardless of the sudden loss of my writing skills, if I ever had those in the first place.

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