.: Fooling around at the game :.

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»How long do I have time, what if that was it?
Why does this sh*t happen, why do I not think about it?
The journey is way too long, when will I finally arrive?
Too many questions, they'll kill me eventually.
You never liked us, why are you now pretending you did?«

Tuesday, 7 pm.
Today was game day and Steph was more than excited for the game.
On his way to the arena, he couldn't sit still.
While Steph and Klay walked towards the arena, Klay asked: "Bro, why were you so tired the whole day and now you're hyperactive all over sudden?"
Steph sighed. "Well, yesterday was a rough day. LeBron and I went at it again yesterday and that's why I was so exhausted. But now it's game time, the time to be excited", Steph answered.
After the two had changed their clothes, they walked through the tunnel into the arena.

A stretching session was followed by a quick warmup before Coach Kerr talked to the team.
"So Steph, we have about fifteen minutes left until the game starts. Do you want to tell me how things are going with LeBron now or not?", Klay asked and Steph waved his hand dismissively.
"Nah, maybe later", Steph said while lacing his shoes up.
"Nah, please tell me now. You can keep it short", Klay said, not planning on dropping the topic.
"Ugh, good god, ugh. Fine", Steph gave in and Klay clapped excitedly.
"So, everything's all lovey-dovey and stuff, but I've already noticed something. LeBron might have a slight daddy kink", Steph said, lowering his voice at the end of his sentence.
"For real, bro? Like, really?", Klay whispered and Steph nodded way too hard.
"God, my neck", Steph mumbled before a bell rang. The game was about to begin.

The Warriors did well in the first quarter of the game but in the second quarter, the Lakers went full power mode.
The Warriors had 95 points and the Lakers had 106.
Luckily there was a short break that allowed the players to catch their breath and discuss their game tactics.
After the Warriors were done with discussing their game tactics, Klay and Steph stretched their legs and arms a bit.
Steph put his hands on his knees, he was a bit exhausted. While biting on his mouthpiece that stuck out of his mouth he watched LeBron, who was stretching his arms a bit.
Their gaze met for a brief moment and Steph used that brief moment to wink at LeBron.
The taller man winked back, causing Steph to smile at him.

The third quarter was brutal for the Warriors, but they came back in the fourth quarter. After Steph had scored the final point, Steph sat down on the court, flexed his biceps and moved around on his butt.
Then he quickly stood up, giving his friend Klay a high-five.
112 to 109 points, the Warriors had won another game.
Steph took some time to answer some of the questions that the reporters had before he went back into his teams' locker room.
Outside the arena, Klay asked Steph: "Hey umm, do you want to come down to my house tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out before our workout."
Steph bit his lip. "Hmm, maybe after our workout. I think that'd be better", he said, still biting his lip.
"Okay dude, but show up tomorrow and don't get too freaky now with LeBron. I know you're going to see him now", Klay said and the two hugged each other.
"Good night, Klay", Steph said while smiling at his friend.
"Good night, Steph", Klay whispered softly before he went to his car and drove back home.

Right after Klay's car wasn't on the parking space anymore, LeBron walked over to Steph.
"Hey beautiful", he said and Steph turned around.
"Hi", Steph said, his knees felt like they were going to give in and he'd fall over.
"Are you keen on driving your daddy to your place?", LeBron asked and Steph nodded shyly.
"Nah-ah, what's that?", LeBron asked, clicking his tongue before lifting up Steph's chin with his pointer finger.
"Y-Yes, daddy", Steph said shyly. How long did LeBron plan on doing this whole "daddy"-stuff?
"Good boy. You're a good boy, Steph", LeBron whispered into Steph's ear, causing Steph to get goosebumps.
The two men drove back to Steph's place.
After they had taken a shower, LeBron pushed Steph towards the bedroom.

"Strip for me, baby boy", LeBron growled lowly, he was almost completely undressed.
Steph bit the inside of his lip before he took a deep breath and did what LeBron had demanded.
"Mm, turn around for me, baby boy", LeBron said and Steph turned around.
The taller man walked towards the smaller man, cupped his face and kissed him.
Moans soon filled the room as the kiss deepened. LeBron picked Steph up, threw him onto the bed and pulled off his underwear.
"Uh, LeBron, would you mind if we stop this whole "daddy"-thing? I feel so insecure and vulnerable whenever you call me "baby boy" and stuff", Steph said while LeBron pulled a condom over his girth.
"Tsk no, baby boy. Who said that you're the one that can make the rules?", LeBron said and Steph hissed in pain as LeBron was slightly forcing his way into Steph.
"B-But babe, I feel uncomfortable with that stuff", Steph muttered.
Damn, why did he feel like a small mouse and LeBron was the cat that couldn't wait to eat him?

LeBron's mouth came closer to Steph's ear.
"Steph, you're my bitch. I can do to you whatever the hell I want. And now take this dick like the good boy that you say you are", LeBron growled slightly aggressively.
Steph didn't know how to respond to that. He didn't do anything besides licking his lips in nervousness.
LeBron went quite rough on the smaller one, leaving a few hickeys and bite marks here and there.
After he came, he stood up to get dressed.
"Why don't you stay here, daddy?", Steph whined, throwing himself completely back into his submissive role.
"Because I don't want to. I'll come back tomorrow at 8 pm, but only maybe", LeBron said before walking out of the bedroom. Steph could hear the front door open and close.

Steph didn't know what to do, so he decided to call Klay.
It was almost 11 pm, but Steph needed somebody to talk to.
"Hey, Klay. I umm, I need your advice", Steph started, not planning on keeping the taller man awake for too long.
"Yeah yeah sure buddy, what's your problem?", Klay asked you could tell that he had been asleep for quite a long time.
"I'm 100% sure now that LeBron has a daddy kink. He's so dominant, my god. I tried to speak up to him about the daddy kink thing and how uncomfortable it makes me, but he only said that I am his bitch and that he can do with me whatever the hell he wants", Steph rambled, his desperate voice cut through Klay's tiredness.

"Bro, he's playing you. You better speak to him again when he's not horny anymore. Maybe that what he said was his horniness speaking", Klay said.
"No, I don't think so. Klay, I'm scared. But I'll see. Maybe it really was the horniness, I don't know", Steph mumbled.
"I suggest that you go to sleep now and then see what will happen tomorrow", Klay said, he was so ready for going back to sleep.
"Okay my brother, thanks for your advice", Steph said before he hung up.

"Let's see what tomorrow has in store for me", Steph mumbled to himself before he switched the light in his bedroom off and went to sleep.

(Wortcount: 1307 words)

Hope you enjoyed.
Hopefully, this isn't too bad.

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