.: Steph's all over him :.

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»Play this sh*t in the club,
for me, for me, for me.
If you were there, I'd be the one you'd never see.«

Monday, 10 am.
The morning had been kind of slow.
After Steph had woken up, he took a shower and put his workout-clothes on.
He made his way to the gym.

"Heyy dude, what's up?", Steph greeted his friend Klay Thompson, who got out of his car at the same time as Steph did.
Klay clicked his tongue before hugging his friend. "Nothin' really, but I know what's going on with'chu", Klay said and Steph cocked his left eyebrow at that.
"For real, bro? Just let me have my fun. Y'know what, maybe I will play him like a basketball. Maybe the tables will turn", Steph said confidently and Klay sighed.
The two men made their way to the entrance of the gym, walking past the bus of the Lakers.

After a quick stretching session, the two went hard at their workout. The two men didn't really speak that much while they were going hard at their workout. Steph actually tried to avoid talking about Klay's and his' main conversation topic, being Steph's date life.
Right before Steph finished his workout, a few Lakers-players entered the hall.
Klay turned his head around to Steph. "Yo, it's your lover. Quick, act normal", Klay whispered and Steph couldn't help but chuckle at what Klay had just said.
"Bro, I'm totally normal right now", he answered with a grin.
Klay waved his hand dismissively. "Nah bro, you need to do something impressive. He won't be here forever", Klay said and Steph sighed.
"What the hell do you think I'm gonna do now? I'm definitely not gonna do something wild now", Steph said, preparing himself for some push-ups.
"Yeah, a couple of push-ups should do the job", Klay said, patting Steph's shoulder before walking away to shoot a couple of hoops.

Steph looked over to LeBron and his teammates, who were still standing across the hall.
The other teammates suddenly decided to go back to their gym without LeBron.
Steph almost felt LeBron's eyes looking at him.
"Now", Steph mumbled to himself before he started to do some push-ups very quickly.
While going up and down at a fast pace, Steph whispered to Klay: "Is he coming towards us or something?"
Klay smiled. "Yeah, I'm going to go to the other basket. You two lovebirds need some time alone", he said before walking after the ball.
Steph smiled at that comment.

"Hey, Steph! How are you?", LeBron asked as he kneeled down to Steph, who was still doing push-ups.
"Hi, LeBron! I'm good, I'm good. How about you?", Steph asked back, slowly quickening his pace.
"I'm good, too. Wow, a lot of push-ups. Hopefully, you stretched well enough", LeBron noticed and Steph smiled.
"Yes, I stretched well enough", he said before stopping it with the push-ups.
"Do you want to shoot a couple of hoops with me before I need to get back to my team?", LeBron asked.
"I'm so down for that, babe", Steph said before covering his mouth with his hands.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to say that out loud. Sorry", Steph said quickly, swallowing the 'sweetie' that would've slipped out at the end of his sentence.
"Nah, it's cool", LeBron said before forming a Korean heart with his thumb and pointer finger for Steph.
Steph molt at that.
The two men shot a couple of hoops, Steph was all over LeBron and LeBron was all over Steph.
Whenever the ball rolled too far away and one of them had to get him, they'd smile at each other all giddily and stuff.
Then the two decided to play against each other.
Most of the time, it was just Steph squealing because LeBron had thrown him over his shoulder to keep him away from the ball or the basket.

"Haha- let me go, LeBron", Steph giggled because LeBron had picked him up again.
"Nah, wouldn't let my tasty snack run off to someone else", LeBron said while holding Steph tight.
Steph leaned his forehead against LeBron's.
Their eyes were tied to each other.
While cupping LeBron's face, Steph whispered: "Good god, you're so pretty."
"Heh, says you. Why haven't you become a model instead of a basketball player?", LeBron asked and Steph grinned.
"Because I'm good with balls", Steph said before giggling at his own joke like a 15-year old.
"Should've seen that one coming", LeBron said while letting Steph go.

Klay, who had been watching the two from the other basket across the hall, decided to walk over now.
"Hello you two", Klay said and Steph quickly let go of LeBron's cheek, which he had been caressing for a little while.
"Howdy Klay!", Steph said, his wide smile got even wider.
"I guess you want to spend some more time with LeBron right here, so I'm gonna go back home now. Family and stuff, y'know", Klay said before slowly walking backward.
"Okay Klay, I'll see you tomorrow at the game", Steph said and Klay nodded and smiled before he walked away.

Steph turned back around to LeBron.
"Hey uhh, if you don't mind I'm going to go back to my team now. But how about I catch you after I'm done and then we two go and take a shower or something?", LeBron suggested and Steph nodded.
"Nothing better than getting freaky in the shower with you", Steph said, his head over heels smile returned.
"Okay, see you later", LeBron said and before Steph even realized what was going on, the taller man had pulled him closer by his waist, hungrily pressing his lips against the smaller man's lips.
"You're mine, don't run away", LeBron mumbled before letting Steph go.
"Grr, don't worry daddy, I won't", Steph said, not realizing that he just had called LeBron 'daddy' in public.
"Good. Be a good boy for daddy", LeBron said, starting to like this whole 'daddy' thing more and more.
"I'll be a good boy for daddy", Steph said while LeBron walked away.

Butterflies were flying around in Steph's stomach as he was leaving the gym.
God, being in love really felt great. He had missed it so much.
LeBron caught up to him later and the two went out to eat a salad, before heading home to Steph and taking a shower.
The rest of the evening was just filled with sex. The two had been seeing each other regularly for two days, two damn days, but they were already behaving like a couple that's been in a six-year relationship.

Completely exhausted, Steph took another shower while LeBron got dressed.
Before they said goodbye, Steph kissed LeBron goodbye.
"I'll see you tomorrow at the game, baby", Steph said before kissing LeBron one more time.
LeBron nodded before leaving.
Happy about how the day went down, Steph laid down in his bed.
And since the day also had been quite rough, Steph fell asleep pretty quickly.

(Wortcount: 1175 words)
Sorry if this seems rushed, but I'm very tired.
It's very early in the morning here where I live and I need to go to sleep.

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