.: Playin' :.

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»Nobody can stop me.
I fuck a chick, she's  wearing
nothing besides tennis socks.
Nobody can stop me,
I fuck a chick, she's wearing
nothing besides tennis socks.«

Monday, 1 pm.
The game last week ended surprisingly well for the Warriors.
The Cleveland Cavaliers were going strong in the first two quarters, but the Warriors fought all the way through and won in the end.
115 to 111 points, what a game.

Steph was currently getting dressed because the therapy appointment he had made was in half an hour.
LeBron was already dressed and ready to go.
"Babe, are you done now?", LeBron asked.
"Yup", Steph said while walking out of his bedroom.
The two walked to Steph's car and drove downtown.

The therapist's office was pretty big. There were a few plants in the room, the walls were painted in an orange-greenish color and the floor was wooden with no carpets on it.
"Hello, and welcome!", a soft voice spoke and a woman walked into the office.
She sat down on the chair in front of LeBron and Steph.
They all shook each other's hands.
"Hi and I thank you both for being here", the woman said.
"No problem, thanks for having us", LeBron said.
"My name is Susan Lancy, I'm your therapist in this couple therapy session", Ms. Lancy said.
The two men nodded and Ms. Lancy got a pen and a few paper sheets out of her bag.

"So, what we're going to do today is talking about the issues in your relationship. Mr. Curry, if you'd like you can start with telling me about what your relationship is like for you and where it went wrong", Ms. Lancy said while putting one of her red curls behind her ear.
Steph told Ms. Lancy everything. The start of the relationship, the beautiful moments and the ugly ones.
He ended with the most recent event, LeBron's and his' dinner night a week ago.
Now LeBron got the chance to talk about the relationship from his perspective.
Ms. Lancy took notes the whole time so that they could analyze the relationship between the two basketball players better.
After LeBron was done with talking about the relationship he had with Steph, the three were silent for a minute.

"Okay. The most important thing is, that Mr. James learns not to take his anger out on you, Mr. Curry", Ms. Lancy said, putting down her pen.
"Mr. James, my current guess is that you have anger issues. From what I've heard so far, that makes the most sense to me. We definitely need to work on that, otherwise your relationship won't have a good chance to heal and grow healthily", Ms. Lancy added.
Steph nodded.
LeBron nodded as well before he looked at his feet.

"Mr. James, how did you feel when you used your boyfriend for your own pleasure? How did you feel when you hit him? I'm sorry if the question is too direct or too much for you right now, but we need to analyze every single bit and every single action", Ms. Lancy asked and LeBron looked up into her eyes again.
Steph swallowed. Was LeBron going to answer the question?
"Well, when I hit him I felt relief. For like two minutes I felt better because I released my anger on something. But when I used my boyfriend for my own pleasure, it didn't really feel good. Well, for the moment it did, but afterward, I felt like the most horrible man on earth. My god, I felt so bad", LeBron answered honestly, Ms. Lancy wrote everything down.

"Okay, good. Good, that you can talk about it. A lot of people wouldn't have answered my question", Ms. Lancy said while smiling at LeBron.
"Okay, good that's that. Now, Steph, how did you feel when Mr. James hit you and how did you feel when he used you for his own pleasure? I obviously know that you didn't feel good, but I need to have to exact emotions for the protocol. We'll analyze everything in it later", Ms. Lancy said before she shuffled around in her chair, getting more comfortable.
Steph cleared his throat before he answered: "I obviously didn't feel great. When the first and second hit sank in, I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. Y'know, the man I truly and dearly loved and still love, had hurt me.
It stung. It stung so goddamn hard.
I still don't know why I didn't have a mental breakdown right then and there. Probably because I was in a state of shock or whatever. Anyway, I never felt worse in my life."

Ms. Lancy wrote everything down before she looked at the two men again.
"We can't work everything out today, but I need you two to promise me that nothing will happen until next week", Ms. Lancy said sternly while looking into the two men's faces.
The two nodded.
"Great. I'll see you two next week at the same time", Ms. Lancy said before she got up and they all shook each other's hands.

While driving back home, LeBron asked: "Are you happy that I agreed to this?"
Steph smiled. "Yes, of course! It's the best thing that could happen", he said while focusing on the road.
After a while, the couple arrived back at Steph's house.
And since the two didn't have any other appointments until 7 pm tonight, they changed into more comfortable clothes.
But they didn't even make it into their more comfortable clothes, because they kind of couldn't hold their makeup-sex back anymore.

Even though Steph was a bit hesitant about having sex with LeBron again, he kind of convinced himself that everything would be alright and that nothing would happen.
He let himself fall into the arms of LeBron, which worked out this time.
The climax felt so incredibly good, Steph couldn't remember feeling this good in weeks.
After the two were done, they took a quick shower and laid back down for a nap.
Steph couldn't believe that he was trusting LeBron again. It felt good to know that he loved him and showed that to him again.

Steph was happy again.
At least for that moment.

(Wortcount: 1045 words)

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