.: You tripping? :.

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»Daytrip took it to ten.
I'm on eleven again.
I keep on setting these trends.
Keep it one hundred percent.«

Saturday, 9 am.
This morning started out weird.
Steph's whole body was sore.
Beside him was LeBron, already fully dressed.
"Ah, sleeping beauty decided to get up, I see", LeBron said as he turned around to Steph.
Steph smiled weakly at that.
Somehow he managed to get up and take a shower.

"Hey sweetie, I'm out for a brunch date with my friends now. I'll see you lat-", Steph said, but he couldn't finish his sentence because LeBron got up and walked past him into the living room.
"Good, then come on. We can't let them wait", LeBron said and Steph raised an eyebrow.
"We can't let them wait? Are you tripping? I'm going to the brunch", Steph said, slightly annoyed.
"Heh", LeBron huffed, "watch your step. I'd be damn careful now, Steph. I don't want to give you the spanking before we go out, so you better behave and be a good boy for daddy now."
Steph wanted to protest, but LeBron walked back to him and grabbed his wrist.
He squeezed it very tightly, it started to hurt.
"Listen here, Curry", LeBron spat with anger in his voice, "if you don't behave, I might actually have to buy a taser. I was going to leave it at an empty threat, but you apparently really want to see me try it out on you."

Steph shook his head no, panicking at the mere thought of LeBron trying out a taser on him.
"Good. Prove to me, that I'll never have to consider buying a taser in order to make you behave", LeBron whispered into Steph's ear before he let go of his wrist.
Steph hated how much turned on he was now, just because LeBron had whispered into his ear.
The two left Steph's house and drove to Steph's second favorite restaurant, where the brunch was at.

Klay, Draymond, Shaun, and Jonas asked the couple about the wedding that was in 6 days.
"All the preparations for the wedding and the wedding party are done, luckily. It took ages, but now everything's done", LeBron said.

*Timeskip - haven't been to a brunch since primary school, so idek what to write about it*

After the brunch, Steph went to practice with his teammates.
He had a good time there.
At 1 pm, after Steph was back home, Klay called him and invited him to his house.
"Yeah Klay, I know. But how about we hang out after practice tomorrow? I need to take care of something that I kinda forgot. Sorry bro", Steph said, mentally slapping himself. He should have taken care of booking the tickets for his honeymoon trip to the Maldives earlier.
"Okay fine. I'll see you tomorrow at practice", Klay said before he hung up.
Steph sighed. But he quickly walked to the dining table and opened his laptop.
Luckily booking the tickets for the flight and the house there didn't take too long.

At 2 pm, Steph finally wanted to prepare the surprise he wanted been wanting to do for two weeks.
Since he and LeBron were getting married in 6 days, he wanted to take his mind off all the stress from the preparations.
Steph wanted to do something, that didn't involve money or a fancy date.
And what is better than a romantic night?
Steph had to make sure, that LeBron wasn't home until 4 pm. Luckily LeBron had to leave for practice with his team anyway.
Steph waited for half an hour before he left his house to buy some red flowers.
Back home, he placed them around the bed along with some candles, in safe distance to the bed of course.
Then he took a shower and put on some cologne.
"The robe and then I should be done", Steph mumbled as he opened his closet and took his red silk robe out.

4 pm came around way faster than Steph had thought.
The front door opened, followed by an "I'm back home!" from LeBron.
Quickly Steph snuck into the bedroom, laid down on the king-sized bed and waited for LeBron to come in.
"Steph?", LeBron was close to the bedroom.
It only took a few seconds until the basketball player stood inside the door, taking in the scenery.
"Hey, baby. Since you were so busy with the marriage preparations and I was so busy with the preparations for our honeymoon, I thought I could take your mind off of all the stress and make you relax a bit", Steph said.
"I'm going to hit the shower real quick and then I'll come back", LeBron said before he walked to the bathroom at the other side of the room.
While the water was running, Steph slightly opened the robe and laid down in a more comfortable way.

About ten minutes passed before LeBron came out of the bathroom, a fluffy white towel wrapped around his waist.
A few water droplets ran down on his chest, down his abs and to his crotch that was hidden, thanks to the towel.
Steph's eyes widened in lust at the sight of his handsome husband.
LeBron climbed onto the bed and Steph already started to fumble at the towel.
But LeBron slapped his hand away, only to take the towel off himself. 
"Tonight, I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to make love to you", LeBron said and bend down to Steph, giving him a passionate kiss.
Steph smiled internally.

This time, he enjoyed the sex with LeBron.
Usually, it was all about his pleasure and his comfort.
But tonight, the both pleased each other.
Steph felt safe, he felt loved.
This was what he had always wanted. Why couldn't LeBron be like that all the time when they had sex?

After they both had calmed down from their high, Steph blew out the candles before he and LeBron showered quickly.
"I love you so much, sweetheart. I'm so sorry that I never showed you that during sex", LeBron said as the two were back in bed, trying to fall asleep.
"Awh baby, it's fine. We will have a lot of time to catch up on that now. I love you, too", Steph said while he combed LeBron's long beard with his fingers.
That night, Steph fell asleep with a smile on his lips.

(Wortcount: 1070 words)

Today, the day I'm writing this, it is the last day of June.
Idk why I mentioned that just needed a reason to write this text I guess.
Welp, this chapter kinda sucks.
Hopefully, you liked it regardless of my tiredness, which I hope hasn't been reflected in this chapter.

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