.: Needy & Dangerous :.

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»Her skin is as pale as her bed sheets,
but her thoughts are dark like bad luck.
She never wants to go back home.
She's been all alone for way too long.
She never wants to go back home.«

Saturday, 1 pm.
Steph finally was on his way back home.
He had been at the gym all morning, getting ready for the game against the San Antonio Spurs tonight.
Now Steph was brushing his hair after he had taken a warm shower.

"Mm babe, you're truly a snack", a deep voice spoke and Steph turned around.
It was LeBron, who had just gotten back home from a photo shoot.
He was wearing a wine red suit with black shoes and a black tie. The golden watch around his right wrist gave the outfit a really nice touch.
LeBron's right hand gently massaged Steph's bare left shoulder.
The younger man put the hairbrush away before he turned around to his boyfriend completely.
Their lips collided with so much passion and an unfiltered desire for each other.

Steph gently moved his hips against LeBron's left leg, trying to gain some friction.
"Do you want me to take these boxers off of you, baby boy?", LeBron whispered into Steph's ear, the smaller man nodded eagerly.
"Yes, please", he muttered under his shaky breath.
"Yes please, what?", LeBron asked.
Steph sighed. "Yes please, daddy", Steph mumbled, he hated this whole ''daddy''-stuff. But he rather plays along than to anger LeBron.
The two men were now on the bed, LeBron was in his boxers. He had undressed in record time.

After Steph's boxers were off and he was about to take LeBron's boxers off, LeBron said: "It'd be so damn hot if you could pull them off with your teeth."
"Alright, whatever you're into", Steph thought, before he pulled off LeBron's boxers with his teeth.
His lips wrapped around LeBron's boner, going up and down eagerly.
LeBron's hands went through Steph's short hair, slightly pulling at it and pushing his head down.
Steph's tongue swirled around LeBron's tip, which sent the taller man over the edge.
"Show me your tongue, baby boy", LeBron demanded while letting go of Steph's head.
The 30-year old stuck out his tongue with LeBron's sperm on it, a wide grin spread across LeBron's face.
"Swallow it", he said and Steph swallowed the sperm, the bitter taste hit his taste buds and he grimaced at that.

LeBron didn't hesitate to push Steph onto his back, holding onto his hips while he pushed himself into the smaller man.
Steph's hands gripped the sheets tightly, it hurt since he didn't get stretched before.
Loud moans were soon filling the room plus the sound of skin slapping against skin.
LeBron's thrusts got more and more intense, his right grip on Steph's hips didn't loosen.
"They're going to be bruised again", Steph thought while LeBron went even faster.
"Whose bitch are you, huh? Who gets to fuck you?", LeBron asked, sounding slightly angry.
"Y-You! I'm yours and only you get to fuck me, LeBron!", Steph breathed out, a wave of enjoyment went through his body.

Steph's back ached, his eyes rolled back into his skull and he began to shake.
His orgasm hit him like a truck.
LeBron rode out his high before he pulled out.
Steph could feel a small amount of cum oozing out of him. It looked like he had to shower again now.
Without saying anything, the younger man got up and hit the shower for a second time.
Meanwhile, LeBron decided to join his boyfriend.
After the two were done with showering, they got dressed.
Steph put his jersey on and LeBron a long-sleeved sports-shirt and a pair of shorts.

The couple sat on the couch now, chatting about their relationship.
"I really, really love how you support me. We've had quite a rough start into our relationship, but we pulled through somehow", Steph said and LeBron nodded.
The two intertwined their hands.
"Your hands are so goddamn pretty", Steph said while looking at LeBron's right hand.
"Thanks, yours are too", LeBron responded and Steph smiled.

Game time came around.
At 7 pm, the couple left the house.
The arena was loud, the atmosphere was good.

The first quarter went very well for the Spurs.
But in the second quarter, the splash brothers led the Warriors to a score of 80.
The third quarter hit the Spurs like a truck, 101 to 92.
And in the fourth quarter, KD and Livingston led the team to victory.
Steph was happy about the win, but something bugged him.
He needed to talk to him. Did he even listen to the voice message?

While Steph was making his way to the dressing room, Klay walked up to him.
"Hey man. Good game, you've played like a beast tonight", Klay said and a small smile appeared on Steph's lips.
"Thanks, man, I appreciate it. I'm sorry about how I acted, by the way. I didn't mean to get angry or pissed", Steph said and Klay waved his hand dismissively. "Ah, it's alright. I'm just so glad that you're feeling better again. I just want the best for you", Klay said and the two men briefly hugged each other, since they were dripping in sweat.

Back at home, Steph took a cold shower before he went to sleep.
Meanwhile, LeBron sat on the couch in the living room.
"Yes, Mr. Curry. So, everything's alright with you? Good, thank you so much. This means a lot to me and I hope you know that", LeBron said to Dell Curry, Steph's father, over the line.
After he had hung up, he called Steph's mother Sonya Curry. She also agreed to the most important question LeBron James had ever asked.
"So, now that that's out of the way I can go to sleep", LeBron thought before he walked into Steph's bedroom.

Steph snuggled up to LeBron.
"Baby, I love you so much", Steph mumbled in his sleep and a warm feeling ran through LeBron's heart.
"I love you too, darling", the taller man softly whispered before he dozed off to sleep.

(Wortcount: 1030 words)

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