.: Dubs forever :.

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»There are demons inside of the bottle,
you're passing it on anyways.
I know G's with a glock,
200 to 300 for the smoke.
I can promise you that my mom
is going to love you for sure.«

The rest of the year seemed to fly by like a pigeon on crack.
Steph got divorced from LeBron, which really relieved him.
He still went to his therapy sessions, but he was getting better as time went on.
Shaun Livingston was in a happy and healthy relationship with Steph, making him feel like the most loved person on earth every single day.
And even though a few long-time Warriors were signed off this year, things were looking good.
Klay Thompson, for example, had been resigned. But true golden state warriors like Andre Iguodala, Kevin Durant, Demarcus Cousins, and Quinn Cook were leaving the team this year.

Today was a sunny Wednesday.
Steph was still a bit bummed out about Shaun leaving the team as well, but that didn't stop him from being the most supportive boyfriend in the world.
After he was done with cooking dinner, he picked out a movie for them to watch later.
"Supernatural", Steph mumbled, "hopefully he's going to like it."

Shaun was on his way back home.
Since they decided to spend Wednesday's at Shaun's place, he drove back the usual way from downtown to his house.
Most of the photo shootings took place downtown, which was why almost every Golden State Warriors player was there very often.
Sometimes, a few of them would even bump into each other and grab something for lunch after the photoshoot.
The Maserati pulled up in front of Shaun's house. Black, very well polished shoes moved over the ground, Shaun's long, elegant legs made their way to the front door.
But before he could even unlock the door with his keys, it swung open.
"Hey darling", Steph chirped happily, he always got so happy when he saw Shaun.
Shaun leaned forward and connected his lips with Steph's lips.
Mumbling a "hey angel" into their kiss, the both moved inside. Livingston made sure to close the door with his foot before he and Curry could get carried away any further.

"I made us something to eat", Steph breathed, breaking the heated kiss because he needed to breathe in some air.
The two sat down and ate their dinner. While they were eating, Shaun talked to Steph about the photoshoot.
After the table was cleared in record time, the two literally attacked each other.
Their kisses grew more and more heated, and the fabric of Shaun's suit wasn't helping with reducing the friction.
"Mmm", a moan escaped the taller light-skinned man's lips, hungrily grinding his hips against Steph's leg for more friction.
It didn't take long for them to head upstairs and undress each other.

Shaun lifted Steph up and laid him down on the king-sized bed.
While Steph was pulling the condom over Shaun's length, their members slightly brushed each other.
A shudder of pleasure ran through both of them, leaving them with goosebumps.
Steph laid back down.
Carefully, Shaun held onto Steph's hips as he started moving.
Shudders of pure lust jolted through Steph's body, making him feel all warm and fuzzy.
Everything felt good right now. From the moment since Shaun had started thrusting into him until the point where they both climaxed, almost in unison.
Shaky breaths were filling the room, Shaun was holding Steph's hand.
The two fell asleep quite quickly, sweet dreams were filling Steph's mind.

The next day, Steph had invited his teammates for a 'farewell-barbecue', as he called it.
Even though he and Shaun weren't saying 'farewell' to each other, Shaun was saying farewell to his team.
While everyone was having a great time, Steph got a little emotional. He caught a few tears roll down his cheeks a couple of times.
After his speech, he sat down with Andre Iguodala, Quinn Cook, and Kevin Durant.
They discussed their plans for the future, what they wanted to do and where they were going in their lives.
Quinn wanted to sign with a different basketball team, Kevin wanted to take a few months off before signing elsewhere as well and Andre was already signed to a different basketball team.

At the end of the barbecue, Andre and Steph chatted for a while before everybody left.
Only with one of the gift-boxes that Steph had made, of course.
Tired, Steph let himself plop down on the sofa.
Shaun joined him after he was done with cleaning his house up.
"C'mere, darling", Steph said and Shaun laid down on top of him.
Their legs were wrapped around each other and Shaun was enjoying Steph's warm breaths on his neck.
Usually, Steph was the little spoon. But today, Shaun had felt like giving up the role of being the big spoon to his beloved boyfriend.

"I'm going to miss you during practice", Steph mumbled against Shaun's hair, a soft chuckle came from his beloved boyfriend.
"Heh, I bet you will. I' going to miss checking you out while you're shooting hoops", Shaun said, biting on his bottom lip.
"Yeah, and I'm going to miss your ass in those blue, tight yet loose shorts", Steph said, slowly putting his hands on Shaun's butt before bringing them back up on Shaun's muscular back.
"I'll always come right back to you, babe", Shaun whispered and Steph nodded.
Cuddled up like that, the two fell asleep.

Steph's life had been a rollercoaster.
But it were theses little, tiny moments that made it all worth it.
A few weeks ago, Steph only would've laughed if someone would have told him that he'd ever get away from LeBron.
Luckily he managed to get out of that toxic relationship - with the help of Shaun Livingston.

Even the darkest night will be followed by a warm dawn.
That was what Steph's therapist had told him once.
Steph really wanted to try his best and believe in that message.
It definitely would take him quite some time, but he was more than willing to try it.

(Wortcount: 1025 words)

Yeet gamers, we made it out alive! It's done! 🤠🤧
This story is over now!
I've got to say, I'm very happy about the fact that it's done now.
I hope you all enjoyed it, tho. It was a nice ride, glad it's over now.
Enjoy your time here and maybe I'll see y'all again.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Butterflies" by Melay.
Goodbye! 💞💖

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