.: Punishment :.

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»My license plate reminds me of you.
You wake me up when your 7 shines again, uh.
You only text me at night.
Please contact me, when all of this is over.
My license plate reminds me of you.
You wake me up when your 7 shines again, uh.
You only text me a "good night".
Come over, when all of this is over.«

Sunday, 9 am.
Steph woke up to a sharp pain in his neck.
He touched his neck, only to be remembered that the pink collar was still there.
That was probably the reason why his neck was hurting so much.
By the way, where was LeBron?

Steph sat up.
"Did I tell you to move?", a baritone voice said, cutting through Steph's thoughts.
He flinched before looking to his left, where LeBron usually was.
But the 6'8" tall giant wasn't there, he stood in the doorframe.
He only wore a pair of basketball shorts.
"N-No", Steph stuttered nervously.
"You're my bitch, Steph. I can put that pretty mouth of yours to better use", LeBron snarled, Steph could tell that that event from his day at Draymond's place wasn't digested yet.

LeBron came closer until he stood right next to Steph.
He climbed onto the king-sized bed and pushed the covers away.
Steph tried to sit up, but LeBron grabbed his wrist.
"I need to remind you, that your place is below me. I'm the hunter and you're my prey, I eat you for breakfast", LeBron said while he let his left pointer finger slide down on Steph's chest.
A soft moan escaped Steph's lips.
"Huh, you're truly a slut. Moaning just from my mere touch. Bet those lips did better work on Shaun Livingston's lips yesterday than they do when you talk", LeBron spat, Steph could feel the fire in his voice.
"There's nothing going on, it was just a game. If that's what you want to hear", Steph said. But all he received was a slap across the face.

"Did I fucking tell you to speak, slut? I don't think so!", LeBron growled. Steph had fucked up. Big time.
The "King of Basketball" dragged Steph out of his bed into the living room.
He sat down on the couch, Steph kneeled a few meters away from him on the floor.
"Bitches don't deserve to walk, they crawl, Steph. So crawl, like the little bitch that you are", LeBron said while he spread his legs a bit.
Steph got on all fours and crawled towards LeBron.
He kneeled in front of him, slowly starting to tug at LeBron's basketball shorts.

LeBron smacked Steph's hand away.
"Either you pull them off now and get to sucking or I'll do it. And that only leads to me being even more angry with you", LeBron hissed and Steph hurriedly pulled down the shorts.
Carefully, he took the tip into his mouth, slowly taking LeBron's girth deeper into his mouth.
But since that wasn't fast enough for LeBron, the 6'8" tall giant grabbed Steph by his hair and pushed his head down on his length.
Steph choked and drool began to come out of his mouth.
LeBron thrusted his hips in the most aggressive way possible, his tip pushed against the back of Steph's throat.
Steph tried to massage LeBron's testicles, but the darker man only smacked his hand away.

Before LeBron could blow his load into Steph's warm mouth, he pulled out.
"Present yourself as a good slut! Now!", LeBron yelled and Steph got up.
"Lay down on the couch", LeBron instructed and Steph obliged.
He laid his face down and stuck his ass in the air, presenting his pink pucker to LeBron.
The basketball player aligned his dick with Steph's hole before he pushed his length into the smaller man.
A sharp pain shot up Steph's spine, which caused the younger man to arch his back.

The sound of skin smacking against skin filled the room.
"Who do you belong to?", LeBron asked as he went faster.
"I- ugh, I b-belong to y-you, daddy", Steph stuttered in between his moans.
LeBron went even faster. "Whose cum dumpster are you? Who gets to fill you up with his seed? Whose bitch are you?", LeBron continued to ask the lighter man.
"Y-Yours, daddy! I'm your cum dumpster, only you get to fill me up with your seed and I'm your bitch!", Steph cried out while LeBron abused his ass.
After a while of groaning and their animalistic sounds filling the room, LeBron's seed coated Steph's insides.
Steph sighed in relief, thinking that they were done now.

But no, LeBron pulled Steph to his feet and pushed him to the floor.
His girth entered Steph once again, daring to rip his insides apart.
"Ahh, uhh, Le- daddy stop! Ugh, uhh", Steph moaned while LeBron pressed his face into the carpet.
"Shut your whore ass up! Don't you dare to think that I didn't read Shaun's text message! You're so thirsty and so greedy, Steph! One dick isn't enough for you, huh?", LeBron spat as he fucked Steph violently.
"Y-Yes, your dick is all I need", Steph said while he was pulled to his feet again.

LeBron picked Steph up and carried him to the kitchen, where he sat Steph down onto the island.
"Don't lie to me, you privileged bastard! You keep on saying how great my dick is, yet you keep on fooling around with your teammates like the thirsty hoe you are", LeBron hissed before he climbed up onto the island and pushed himself back into the lighter man.
LeBron didn't think about stopping here. Even though he was exhausted.
The two climbed back down from the island before LeBron grabbed Steph's wrist, squeezing it tight.

As time passed on, the two had fucked on the floor, in the kitchen and now LeBron was taking Steph from behind.
Steph's head hurt because LeBron pressed him against a wall, but LeBron didn't care about that.
"Daddy, please l-let m-me go", Steph cried out, his legs couldn't hold him anymore.
And due to the exhaustion, it didn't take long for Steph to collapse.
"C'mon, let's take a shower", LeBron whispered, he was exhausted as well.
But instead of just taking a simple shower, LeBron had to take Steph from behind again.

As LeBron was walking out of the bathroom, he looked at the clock in Steph's bedroom.
It was almost 1 pm now.
"I'm out for a photo shoot now. If you're not back here at 4, I'll make you go through what we did today again. And you don't want your Coach to start asking questions about where you were, do you?", LeBron said and Steph shook his head no.
After LeBron was gone, Steph called Shaun Livingston.

"Hey, Shaun. Everything's fine, yesterday didn't cause me any trouble", Steph lied while looking at his busted lip in the mirror.
"Hey! Ah man, that's good. I'm looking forward to seeing you at practice tomorrow", Shaun said.
"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye", Steph said.
"Bye", Shaun said before he hung up.

Steph didn't do much for the rest of the day.
He was looking forward to his therapy session tomorrow.
Plus his bachelor party was next week, he also was looking forward to that.
After LeBron came back at 4, the two did nothing but fuck for the rest of the afternoon.
Well, LeBron wanted to fuck and Steph was there. So he used him for his own pleasure once again.

Steph went to bed with new bruises, bite marks and hickeys.
The second round didn't end that well for Steph, it resulted in LeBron beating him senseless.
Now his entire body was hurting, his muscles were sore and his throat too.

"Hopefully we'll talk about this in the therapy session tomorrow", Steph thought before fell asleep, he was very exhausted.

(Wortcount: 1320 words)

Sorry, if this is too explicit.
Hopefully, you all liked it regardless.
Lyrics at the top are from the song "7" by Kidnfinity.
Btw, please listen to the song "Panini" by Lil Nas X, it's so dope!! 🤠

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