.: Strong appearance :.

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»F*ck 'em, f*ck sleep,
come clean, zonin'.
Can't forget that I'm golden,
can't forget where I'm going.
F*ck popo, police, enemies, fake homies.
Can't forget that I'm an OG,
better act like you know it.«

The last week had been quite relaxing for Steph.
LeBron hadn't snapped at him again, which was nice.
But Steph could feel that there was something the taller man didn't want to talk about.
One day, Steph had said, he'd ask his boyfriend about it.

Today was Thursday and the Warriors had just lost a game against the Boston Celtics.
Even though the day yesterday had been great, the Boston Celtics brought the win back home anyway.
Steph felt bad about the loss, especially since he felt like he and Klay, the splash brothers, had so much weight to carry on their shoulders and therefore had to play extra strong out there on the court.
LeBron had taken Steph out for brunch in the morning, trying to make him forget about the loss.

The anger inside of LeBron only started to grow, because Steph just couldn't shut up about him losing the game.
"It was all my fault" here and "I should quit basketball since I'm incapable of playing good enough out there on the court" there.
While Steph and LeBron were laying on the couch and watching TV, Steph began to whine about the loss again.
That was too much for LeBron.
"Steph, would you cut it with whining about the loss? I get that you feel guilty and bad for your team, but you've been whining about the loss for the past day now and it's getting annoying", LeBron said, trying to keep his anger and the urge to punch something back.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, I'm just very upset. I should have done more on the court, I just feel like I haven't done enough to get my team to the win", Steph said while looking down at his feet.
The taller man huffed at that, but he decided against saying anything.

Later that day at 6 pm, the two had to attend a press conference.
Steph put on an all-black suit, brown shoes, and a black bow tie. And LeBron put on a red suit without a tie and a pair of red shoes.
The couple drove downtown in an SUV for about 10 minutes before they arrived.
Before getting out of the car, LeBron whispered to Steph: "If they'll ask us any questions about our relationship, don't answer them. I'll do that."
The smaller man sighed at that. Why couldn't he answer the questions?
He tried to shake the question off of him and he put his show face on.
"Smiling and waving", Steph thought to himself before the door opened and the couple exited the SUV.

"Mr. Curry! Mr. Curry! Any news about your relationship with Mr. James?", a man wanted to know, but Steph didn't answer. He simply smiled and waved as they walked past the huge amount of reporters.
As soon as they arrived inside the building and sat down in front of the reporters, the questions continued.
"Mr. Curry. Umm, Mr. Curry is it true, that you were blaming yourself for not winning last nights' game?", a brunette woman asked, her Canadian accent was thicker than blood.
"M'yeah, I do feel guilty for not winning last night", Steph began, this whole event started to get boring.
"And Mr. Curry what are your plans on getting the win in the next game?", the woman asked before she sat back down.
"Well, I need to work even harder on myself. And the team needs to believe in winning a bit more. That's how the plan is like currently. Next question", Steph answered.
A man in a blue suit asked: "Is the violence in your relationship with LeBron affecting your career?"

LeBron wanted to get up, grab the man by the collar and tell him how much he loved Steph and that he was getting help with his anger issues. But since he couldn't do that, he just let out a scoff.
"Well, I- umm-", Steph began, before LeBron cut him off.
"Well no, there also isn't any violence anymore. I'm seeing a therapist every week, I and Steph are in couple therapy together. His career is going great and I support him all the way", LeBron said before kicking Steph's leg under the table.
Luckily there was a yellow tablecloth on the table they were sitting at, so the reporters didn't see that.
"I'll do the talking", LeBron whispered angrily before grabbing Steph's wrist under the table.
He squeezed it tightly before letting it go. That was his way of making Steph submit to him in public.
"Don't forget where your place is", LeBron whispered before he faced the reporters again.

After the press conference was over and all the reporters had left, the couple drove back home.
"Why did you do that? We were out in public", Steph asked after they had arrived at home.
LeBron scoffed. "Oh come on now! I just can't let you forget where your place is, just because we're in public!", LeBron said angrily and Steph knew that this was not going to end well for him.
LeBron grabbed Steph by his left wrist.
The two looked into each other's eyes.
"Be a good boy for daddy and nothing bad will happen, alright?", LeBron said sternly and Steph gulped.
"Alright daddy", he whispered while the grip around his wrist tightened.
"Good", LeBron growled before he let go of Steph's left wrist.

The two didn't do that much for the rest of the day.
Right before Steph went to sleep, he got a text message from Klay.
He didn't read it completely, only the first two sentences.
"Hey, Steph. I hope you're coming to our workout tomorrow. I saw the press conference that you and LeBron attended on YouTube earlier. What did LeBron say to you? Better not some manipulative crap", that was what the text message said.
Tomorrow was another day, he would definitely finish reading the rest of the text message then.

(Wortcount: 1025 words)

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