.: Coming out? :.

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»That I lose,
that I lose.
You already knew,
that I'd lose.«

*Timeskip - the wedding is two weeks away*

The ball flew through the net like a rocket, that launches into space.
"Boom! Another one!", Steph yelled, giving Draymond a high-five.
The golden state warriors were practicing for another game day.
The Orlando Magic.
Draymond shot the ball through the hoop.
"Yes!", Jonas yelled before he went in for a hug.
The two hugged each other before they slowly pulled away.
You have to be blind on both eyes do not see the love, that they both felt for each other.
Steph smiled at the sight of his teammates being in love.
Draymond had been single for what felt like a century, so it was nice seeing him so happy again.

After practice was over, Klay suggested that they all could hang out together again. Draymond, Klay, Steph and Shaun Livingston. Jonas wanted to join them later, he had an appointment downtown which he needed to take care of.
This time, they went to Draymond's house.
They all sat down outside in the sun, soaking up the sun rays and the warmth they had.
"Steph's going to throw his bachelor party next week, boys", Klay said.
"Klay, c'mon man! I wanted to announce that!", Steph said, pretending to pout.
"I can't believe that you're a married man now", Shaun said.
"Yeah, I can't believe it as well. I'm so happy that LeBron is willing to spend the rest of his life with my short ass", Steph said and Shaun giggled at that, his smile was the shiniest out of all smiles.

The doorbell rang and Draymond got up.
He walked to the front door and opened it.
"Hey sunshine", Draymond said as Jonas entered the house.
The taller man gave him a passionate kiss.
"Hello beautiful", Draymond responded before he went in for another kiss.
The two walked back outside, where the other men were enjoying the nice weather.
"Aye, look who's here!", Shaun said as he saw the two walking towards the others.
"Yup, it's me", Jonas said with a smile on his lips.

"Actually, this is perfect right now. So umm, I bet you all noticed it but I wanted to confirm it.
Jonas and I are a couple", Draymond said proudly, his smile was almost too bright.
Steph jumped to his feet and yelled: "Yes! I'm so happy for you guys!"
He hugged the two, who smiled at each other.
"Seriously guys, you two fit together", Steph said while he sat back down again.
"Y'all are cute", Klay said and Jonas blushed a bit.

"Actually", Steph began, standing up again, "I need to say something as well. Y'all probably knew, but I'm gay. I'm so excited for next week, we'll have the best bachelor party ever." And with that, Steph sat back down again.
Draymond and Jonas sat down as well.
"And Jonas, what is your sexuality now? Gay or bisexual?", Shaun asked.
Jonas smiled at him. "I'm pansexual", he then said and a soft "aha!" escaped Shaun's lips.
The men continued to soak up the sun until it got too warm.
"Alright boys, let's go inside. I've got a fun idea for a game, that we all could play", Klay said and everyone got up.
"I swear to god, if it's Truth or Dare again, then I'll have to push you into your own pool at your house, Klay", Steph said jokingly and Klay laughed.
"You wouldn't dare to do that, short stuff", Klay said. "Umm excuse me, what did you call me?", Steph asked, pretending to be angry because of what Klay had said.
"You heard me, short stuff", Klay said, empathizing the 'insult'.
"God Klay, your skin shines brighter than a light bulb. Doesn't mean that you're a genius, though", Steph said as they all sat down on the carpet in the living room.

"Ooohh! Did y'all hear that?! Did y'all hear that?! He did not say that! He did not!", Shaun yelled and the others joined his yelling.
After a good while of laughing, they all calmed down and started to play the game, that Klay had suggested.
Truth or Dare.
The empty bottle spun around, pointing to Draymond.
"Okay, Dray", Klay began, "what do you pick?"
"Truth", Dray said and Steph rolled his eyes.
"Okay. That's boring, but whatever", Klay began, "but here goes nothing. How many wet dreams have you had about our beloved teammate Jonas here?"
Shaun cringed at the question, Steph wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"About ten, or eleven. I'm not sure", Draymond answered before he turned to his left, where Jonas sat.
"I'm a sorry babe, I had to answer that question", he said with an apologetic smile on his face.
"Nah, it's fine, sweetheart. I've had multiple wet dreams about you as well, so we're even", Jonas said with a smirk.
"Good God", Shaun mumbled and Steph nodded in agreement.
The bottle spun around again, it was Steph's turn.
"I pick dare, 'cause I ain't a pussy", Steph said confidently before Draymond could ask him for his pick.
"Okay then, the man's not a pussy everyone. I dare you to make out with Shaun, for about half a minute. Or no, let's make it a full minute", Draymond said with a grin on his face.
Steph sighed.

"Okay Shaun, here we go", Steph said while he moved closer to Shaun.
Just at this moment, the doorbell rang again. Draymond got up and walked to the front door.
Steph's lips collided with Shaun's lips, causing both to flinch at the feeling for a second.
"Guys, Steph's husband is here", Draymond announced while he walked back into the living room.
And since one had a good view onto the living room while entering the house through the front door, LeBron saw the kiss.
Steph's tongue touched Shaun's bottom lip, demanding to get inside his mouth.
Shaun slightly opened his mouth and Steph's tongue slid right in.

Klay immediately got up. "We're playing Truth or Dare, LeBron! Everything is just a joke, calm down!", Klay yelled and LeBron calmed down a bit.
"I came here because I wanted to pick Steph up and bring him back home since he's barely there anymore", LeBron said as he walked towards his husband.
He grabbed him by the arm and pulled him up.
Shaun looked at his hands, he felt bad. Bad for letting Steph kiss him, bad for holding onto his waist while kissing him and bad for allowing Steph to French kiss him.
"Bye, everybody! It was nice hanging out with you all!", Steph said before the couple left.
After the door closed behind them, Klay immediately asked: "Is Steph a good kisser?"
Shaun blushed. "An excellent one", he said, still feeling Steph's hand on his thigh and his soft lips on his own.

Back at home, Steph couldn't wait to take his shoes off.
LeBron pretended that everything was fine the whole car ride, but now he snapped.
"What on earth made you think that it's okay to kiss another man?", LeBron asked before he pushed Steph against the nearest wall.
"It was just a game! We were all playing the game that Klay suggested!", Steph said, afraid of what could happen next.
"AND YOU THINK IT'S TOTALLY FINE TO WHORE AROUND BECAUSE OF A GAME?!", LeBron yelled and the next thing Steph felt was a warm stinging feeling on his left cheek.

A warm tear ran over Steph's cheeks as he felt the stinging feeling again.
LeBron had slapped him twice - again.
LeBron let go of the collar of Steph's Nike jacket and Steph slid to the ground like a dead spider.
"You've been a bad boy, Steph. I knew that you'd forget about my strictness one day, so I bought this in advance", LeBron said and he pulled a pink collar out of his pocket.
Steph scoffed, but only in his head.
LeBron put the collar on.

"Now go back to sleep. If I'll catch you whoring around ever again, I'll have to buy a taser to remind your thirsty ass of who you belong to! I own you, Wardell Stephen Curry! There's nothing that you can do about it! Do you think I still love you after this?! We'll have to see about that!", LeBron yelled before Steph got up and ran to his bedroom.
All he wanted now was to sleep and forget about what happened.

Before he fell asleep, Steph sent a text message to Klay: "Hey man. LeBron slapped me again and I think he doesn't love me anymore. What am I supposed to do now? Cancel the wedding? I don't even know if I love him anymore. I don't know why I stayed with him after he beat me and sexually abused me. Please help me."

Steph sighed.
"I need to make a decision. This doesn't feel like true love. Maybe I only stayed with him because I didn't want to end up being all alone again. But I'd rather be alone than being slapped", Steph thought before he fell asleep.

One new message from "Shaun the Leprechaun ☘️": "Hey Steph. I hope you're not mad at me. I shouldn't have let you kiss me, y'know. I'm sorry, hopefully, my own feelings didn't ruin things between you and LeBron too much. Stay strong."

(Wortcount: 1570 words)

Oh boy, what a rollercoaster of a chapter!
Jonas Jerebko and Draymond Green are THAT power couple! I love them together!
What will happen next? Stay tuned for more!
Lyrics at the top are from the song "UKRAJINA" by SWEETBOYBLONDEY, I love that song!

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