.: Yes or no? :.

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»Call it tough love,
call it tough love.
She asked for the white,
like girl take a bump.
F*cked off the drugs.
Yeah, I'm f*cked off the drugs.
Worst day of my life,
but I don't give a f*ck, a yeah.

Today's the worst day,
but it will be alright (x4).«

Sunday mornings were Steph's favorites.
Training for a game with his teammates was always so nice and they all made him feel at home.
They were his home.

LeBron had gotten up after Steph had left the house.
After a quick shower, the King of basketball had prepared a few things.
He was dressed in a blood red suit now, a pair of black shoes and a black tie were giving the outfit its final touch.
Now there was only one thing, that kept him from his plan: Steph's brother, Seth Curry.
"Hello?", the Trail Blazers player spoke, his voice sounded warm and relaxed.
"Hello, LeBron James here", LeBron said, "I wanted to ask you something, that's very important for me."
"Mm, okay. Go ahead then", Seth said and LeBron took a deep breath.
"I wanted to ask for your blessings because I want to marry Steph", LeBron finally said, a deep breath left his lungs.
"You have my blessings, LeBron. You and my brother may have had a rough start, but I see that you're actively trying to make a change. You have my blessings", Seth said and a smile formed on LeBron's lips.
"Thank you so much, Seth. This means a lot to me", LeBron said.
After the phone call was done, LeBron quickly drove downtown to buy a bouquet of red roses.
He put them behind his back, the box with the ring was inside the left pocket of his pants.

Steph was driving back home.
Taylor Swift's new song "You need to calm down" was on the radio and Steph was humming his heart out to it.
The car pulled up in front of the house and Steph quickly exited it, since he was happy to take a shower soon.
While Steph opened the door, LeBron quickly left into the second bathroom. He needed some more time to think about what he was going to say. In the meantime, Steph took a shower.
As LeBron heard the water stop running, he left the bathroom.
His steps weren't heavy, they were light.
LeBron was excited, mixed feelings of love and nervousness were stirring up in his stomach.

Right before he could open the door, Steph already opened it first.
"Oh, hey babe", Steph said, he looked like he was on the go. All dressed up in a grey suit with brown shoes and a grey bow tie.
"Hey. Umm, could you wait for a second?", LeBron said and Steph nodded.
LeBron closed the half-open door and went down on one knee in front of the two time MVP.
"Steph, I love you so much. More than I could ever tell you because we'd be here for infinity then.
I want to see you become a dad. I want us to fall even more in love as time goes on. I don't want to leave your side. And I want to take you out on date nights for the rest of my life", LeBron said as he took out the box with the ring in it.

Steph couldn't believe it.
"I want to ask you: Wardell Stephen Curry, do you want to marry me?", LeBron asked before he opened the box and Steph could see the ring.
A thousand thoughts were running through Steph's head. He loved LeBron, he truly did. But he felt like this was a bit rushed like LeBron didn't even think about it clearly.
While trying to brush the doubts aside, Steph took a deep breath.
"Yes or no, Wardell", LeBron said.
"Yes, I want to marry you. I want to see you and me raise kids together. I want to wake up next to you every day. I love you, LeBron James", Steph said while smiling softly and LeBron put the ring on Steph's left ring finger.

After the proposal, LeBron took Steph out to the dinner that he had prepared.
The two had a beautifully decorated table at an expensive restaurant.
The evening was nice, the couple fell deeper and deeper in love as the hours passed.
Steph got lost in LeBron's eyes for the thousandth time.

Back at home, the couple put on their pajamas and since it was almost 11 pm, the two laid down on the couch and watched a series on Netflix.
It wasn't hard for Steph to fall asleep, all cuddled up like that.
LeBron carefully tried to grab his phone from the small table, that stood in front of the couch.
After he had it in his hand, he took a photo of him and Steph in his arms.
He put it into a folder in his phone's gallery named "My handsome husband".
Hearing Steph breath so calmly almost put LeBron to sleep as well.
While he turned off the TV, the two time MVP woke up from his slumber.

"Ah babe didn't mean to wake you up", LeBron said, carefully putting down the remote.
Steph rubbed his eyes before he got up. "No problem, sweetheart", he said.
Two muscular arms hugged LeBron from behind. "I love you so much, baby", Steph said sleepily, LeBron's heart molt at that.
"C'mon sweetiepie, let's put you to sleep", LeBron said before he picked him up and carried him into the bedroom.

The two fell asleep pretty quickly since today was the most important day in their lives.
LeBron had to organize quite a lot for the wedding, but he could worry about that tomorrow.
"I love, love, love you so much", LeBron whispered into Steph's ear and the smaller one comfortably purred.

The night put the two lovers to sleep.
One unread text message from Klay - "Hey man, want to shoot a couple of hoops tomorrow at 12?"

(Wortcount: 1005 words)

Lyrics at the top are from the song "Druggie Romance" by WeepingWolf.

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