.: Violence :.

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»My cliq is with me,
This is a Kidd production.
My wrist, I'm freezin',
don't f*ck with me!«

Thursday afternoon, 4:20 pm.
Steph still hadn't found LeBron anywhere.
"He's probably still out, fucking some woman or whatever", Steph mumbled to himself, the mere thought of that made him angry.

Suddenly, the door opened.
Steph jumped at that.
"Steph Curry, you better be here!", LeBron's dark voice spoke.
"I-I'm here!", Steph yelled, afraid of what was about to happen next.
The Cleveland Cavaliers player walked into the living room, where Steph sat on the couch.
"There you are", Steph spoke out, still afraid of what could happen next.

LeBron lowered his head so that he could whisper into Steph's ear.
"I hope you've been a good boy for me, 'cause I'm very angry right now", LeBron said and Steph's bottom lip began to shake.
The taller man placed his left hand on Steph's thigh, moving it up and down.
Steph couldn't hold back a moan.
"Huh, moaning already? Just from my mere touch? God, you're such a slut. I bet you let Klay suck you off while you were there", LeBron spat angrily, which made Steph scoff. "Oh, come fucking on now! Klay and I didn't do shit!", Steph said angrily, a bit louder than usual.
"Pff, as if I could believe a slut like you", LeBron growled before he walked away from Steph.

But before he even could make it into the bedroom, Steph's phone rang.
The smaller man couldn't even pick up, LeBron had taken the phone away from him already.
"Aha, your new plaything is calling", LeBron spat after he saw that Klay was calling.
LeBron let the phone ring while Steph was looking at him, fire burning in his eyes.
The taller man dropped the phone on the couch right next to Steph, before he raised his left hand and slapped Steph across the face.
The younger man immediately stood up.
"Why the fuck did you slap me?!", Steph yelled, only causing LeBron to do it again.
LeBron grabbed Steph by the collar of his shirt, pressed him against the nearest wall and yelled: "Because you're mine! You're my fucking plaything! Nobody else is allowed to touch what I touch! Get that in that thick skull of yours!"

Steph couldn't believe it.
"I didn't let anyone else touch me! I would fucking never do that! Not even to spite you, LeBron!", Steph yelled, causing LeBron to let go of him.
"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Steph", LeBron growled, before he picked the smaller man up and dragged him into the bedroom.
Steph moved his arms and legs around, he didn't want to have sex right now.
But LeBron didn't seem to care, because he used the two time MVP for his pleasure anyway.
Steph cried uncontrollably.
While LeBron was using Steph for his own pleasure, he left some bite marks on Steph's neck.

Steph was still crying while LeBron came.
He couldn't stop crying.

"No other man will put his dick inside you, 'cause that's marked territory now", LeBron said and Steph grimaced at that. LeBron just came inside of him without using a condom. Did he even get himself tested?
To Steph's relief, LeBron left the house after he had taken a shower.
It was almost 7 pm now, so Steph decided to get out of the bed and take a shower as well.
But the dirty feeling didn't leave him, unfortunately.

While Steph put on his pyjama, he got a call from Klay.
"Hey Steph, how are you?", Klay asked the concern in his voice wasn't ignorable.
"I-I'm fine", Steph lied, he felt like crap.
"Cool, I called you because I wanted to ask if you want to go to the gym tomorrow morning. Y'know, so we'll be ready for the game and stuff", Klay said.
"Yeah, I'd love to come and join you", Steph said, it hurt him to say that because he didn't know if he could keep his promise yet. His cheek was still a bit red, he didn't want Klay to see him like that.
"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 9 am", Klay said.
"Bye Klay", Steph said before sighing silently.

Steph wanted to go to sleep, he just wanted to forget everything.
He wanted to forget the argument with LeBron, he just wanted to forget that the older man had slapped him twice.
While trying to fall asleep, Steph couldn't stop thinking.
It was way too much.
Everything that was happening was too much for him. Steph had never felt more overwhelmed than he was right now.
Tears started to flow down his cheeks and he started sobbing. He sobbed so hard, it began to hurt his ribcage and lungs.
What did he do to deserve this?
Was it his fault, that LeBron acted this way?
Did he deserve to get slapped?
Why did LeBron, the man that was supposed to love him, do something like that to him, his own significant other?

"Maybe I deserve it. Maybe I am worthless", Steph mumbled while the tears were turning his vision blurry.
Steph couldn't fall asleep, so he got up and walked into the bathroom.
He took the shirt off and looked at his reflection in the mirror.
Bite marks and scratches were covering his neck, chest, and back.
His hips were bruised, his wrists as well. LeBron had held them above Steph's head, so he couldn't push him away.
Sighing sadly, Steph looked at his face. His cheeks were tear-stained, his eyes were puffy from the crying and he looked so exhausted.
Steph felt defeated. Defeated by his own boyfriend.

He put the shirt back on and went back into his bedroom.
But falling asleep hadn't gotten easier.
The light skinned man laid awake for quite a while before he began to cry again.
He cried about how insecure and vulnerable he had gotten, how sad he was and that he didn't deserve to live anymore.
Later, Steph drifted off into a state from which he didn't know if it was sleep or not.
It turned out to not being sleep because Steph watched the time pass on the clock that stood on his nightstand.
How did he get himself into all these problems?

(Wortcount: 1053 words)

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